Category Archives: social capital

Housing problem solved… for goldfish

Posted on Friday, November 6, 2015 by No comments yet

“Thanks to FPF and a kind recipient, my two 4-inch Calico Koi-type Goldfish are moving from a 2-bedroom to a Mansion!!!”
• Carolyn, Middlebury Front Porch Forum

Enough Halloween candy in Lincoln already!

Posted on Thursday, October 29, 2015 by No comments yet

Oct. 27 FPF posting:  “Last year someone suggested that people who live outside of the village area might help to contribute to the large amounts of Halloween candy handed out within the center of Lincoln… If you are willing to contribute a bag or two of candy, please drop it off at the Town Office by Thursday at 2pm, or at my house by Friday. I will make sure it gets distributed to the people who have requested it. Thank you!”
• Sally, Town Hall

Oct. 29 FPF posting:  “Lincoln People – I am a little overwhelmed by the power of Front Porch Forum and the generosity of our community. All day long, people have been walking into the Town Office donating Halloween candy for households in the center of Lincoln. Now it’s getting a little embarrassing to accept any more. Weathervane folks have already taken what they need and I still have about 15 bags of candy here in the office. Most people donated more than one bag, and some didn’t even have children of trick-or-treat age. If there are other households in the center of town who want to hand out candy, please contact me at home and I will drop some off. Are there firefighters who want to hand out candy at the station? I can set you up. Any Bristol people need some? I know you distribute to five towns of kids.”
• Sally, Town Hall

Neighbors on the look out… 14-year-old Persian finds her own way home

Posted on Sunday, October 25, 2015 by No comments yet

“Our 14-year-old gray persian cat, Kit, made her way back to us at 4:00 AM this morning. She’s in remarkably good health. Thank you all for your words of wisdom and kindness. Special thanks to Lindsey who reads FPF… she saw a gray cat on her porch and called us. Also to our friends and neighbors Marilyn, Wendy, Jeanne, and Tom. Even people we don’t know, Bonnie and Ann… we thank you all for caring!  ONE GREAT EXPERIENCE WITH FPF!”
• Wendy, Colchester neighborhood Front Porch Forum

Good or bad, first read of the day

Posted on Thursday, October 15, 2015 by No comments yet

I just contributed to Front Porch Forum. Why? Because it has brought our communities together more than any other way I know.

I also contributed because when I posted a notice that my book had just been published, people read about it on FPF and bought my book!

Front Porch Forum is the first email I open every day to see what’s going on around me, good or bad. It has become a vital part of my day.

• Ted, Underhill FPF

Realtor’s recommendation for homebuyers

Posted on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 by No comments yet

“As a real estate agent, when I help folks buy a home, I always recommend signing up with Front Porch Forum. We are so fortunate to have FPF keeping us informed about what is going on… it’s such an easy way to connect with neighbors.  Please consider making a contribution, if you can, so that we can continue having this wonderful neighborhood service.”
• Sandy, Burlington FPF