Category Archives: social capital

Mother-in-law’s irreplaceable photos returned in Malletts Bay

Posted on Friday, September 30, 2016 by No comments yet

“My mother-in-law set her camera down on the second bench over from the swing in the Bayside park in Malletts Bay around 11:00am Wednesday. She is here for the week and we would love to get that camera back for her! It’s full of family pictures that are not replaceable or printed out! If you have any information saw it or picked it up please let me know!”
• Colby, Colchester Front Porch Forum

“We got the lost camera back today! Thank you Derek for all of your help! She couldn’t be more thrilled to have those memories returned! Thank you thank you thank you!”
• Colby, Colchester FPF, next day

Amazed by Charlotte neighbors’ generosity

Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2016 by No comments yet

“As others have posted, I am amazed at the many responses to my request posted on our Front Porch Forum. So many wonderful people responded to my request to use a pick-up truck — and many stating ‘no charge, just helping a neighbor’ or simply ‘please pay it forward.’ I love this spirit of helping and cooperating with one another. We are so happy that we moved to Vermont two years ago. Thank you all — and you know who you are.”
• Lisa, Charlotte FPF

Farewell Essex… Hello Northeast Kingdom

Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 by No comments yet

“Since the beginning of this Front Porch Forum I have met many new friends and found things to do that I otherwise would not have known about. As of this weekend, I will no longer be on this Forum as I am moving to the Northeast Kingdom. It has been an enjoyable time, and it was wonderful meeting and interacting with everyone on here.”
• Donna, Rural Essex FPF

Random act of kindness in Montpelier

Posted on Sunday, September 25, 2016 by No comments yet

“This morning while in line to purchase a pound of coffee, we were the recipient of a random act of kindness. The driver ahead of us paid for our coffee. We just wanted to thank you for brightening what was a really sad day. It was a truly generous and kindly act. May something wonderful happen for you in return. We love Montpelier.”
• Susan, Montpelier Front Porch Forum

Jett, the Essex cat (who doesn’t answer to his name), is home again

Posted on Monday, September 12, 2016 by No comments yet

“Our three-year-old totally black. slim-ish, cat has been missing for three days. His name is Jett, but he does not answer to that – he’s a cat. We’re missing him terribly and are hoping against hope that perhaps he got shut in someone’s garage by mistake.”
• Deedee, Essex Center FPF

“I’m happy to report that we have our black cat back, thanks to Front Porch Forum and some wonderful neighbors in Meadows Edge. We’re so grateful. We are remodeling… a lot of noise and strangers in and out. We think that is why he took off. Thanks again, everyone.”
• Deedee, Essex Center FPF, next day

Border-crossing Maltese rounded up in Stowe

Posted on Saturday, September 10, 2016 by No comments yet

“I just have to say how fortunate we are to have Front Porch Forum.  This morning a distraught young man stopped in to say he is staying at a house near us.  He is from Canada and doesn’t know the area.  Their 5 lb. Maltese, Lily, ran off and had been gone all night. Tonight my husband read the Forum and there was a post for a found white dog… we were able to connect the two people and Lily is now safe at “home”. Thank you Front Porch Forum.”
• Nancy, Stowe FPF