Category Archives: Neighborhood Watch

New North End Nora home now

Posted on Monday, December 28, 2015 by No comments yet

“This is a huge thank you not only to Milia for taking such wonderful care of our dog Nora when she went missing Wednesday night, but for all of you who saw our notices on Front Porch Forum and made sure we connected. Nora came home from Lucky Puppies this afternoon. Happy New Year everyone.”
• Kim, Ethan Allen FPF in Burlington

Montpelier teen hit by Jeep responds

Posted on Monday, November 30, 2015 by No comments yet

What an impressive kid… posting below in the Montpelier FPF recently…

Two weeks ago I was hit by a car and my mom posted a note to Front Porch Forum about this. I just wanted to give a big thanks to all the people who responded with advice, kindness, and support after this event. Also, a big thanks to Freeride Community Bike Shop on Barre St, who gave me parts and helped me rebuild my bike. You should definitely check them out sometime!

And here’s his mom’s initial posting…

To the Driver That Hit My Son on His Bike with Your Car: My 15-year-old was hit tonight at 5:50pm on State Street near the DMV riding his bike across the cross walk. The man driving the car did not even get out. Just yelled out the window “Are you ok?”. Although my son was not physically injured as he was thrown to the ground from his bike I want you to know that his bike was totaled. He saved up for that bike by himself working as a page at our public library. My son was too polite and too inexperienced in these matters to ask for any of your information. Shame on you for your irresponsible, dangerous behavior. Shame on you for not even getting out of your car. If anyone has any information or witnessed a Jeep Cherokee hitting a kid on a bike and then taking off on the evening of Friday Nov. 13 please let us know.

Chocolate lab injured by car reunited with family after 7-day run

Posted on Saturday, November 28, 2015 by No comments yet

“Much to be thankful for today, including the kindness of strangers and the power of community. Cooper, who has been missing since hit by a car one week ago, survived his ordeal and was just reunited with his owners. Thanks and blessings to the FPF community!!”
• Karen, Barre Town Front Porch Forum

Bigfoot sighting reported in Morrisville

Posted on Monday, November 16, 2015 by 2 comments

“I saw Bigfoot up on the Silver Ridge Road and had the chance to see him eating. It looks like Bigfoot is strictly a vegetarian which is good news for the two cows on the loose up around that way.”
• Peter, Morrisville Front Porch Forum

Hyde Park cows missing for two weeks… now in Morrisville?

Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 by No comments yet

“We are missing three red & one black Devon cows. They were last seen on Center Rd. in Hyde Park. Please contact Applecheek Farm – 802-888-4482 – if you see these cows. Thank You!”
• Judy, Hyde Park FPF, Oct. 30, 2015

“We are still missing two cows – one red and one black Devon. Last seen – one near Silver Ridge Rd and one near Frazier Rd. – both in Morrisville. Thanks to Front Porch Forum and helpful neighbors, we have been able to capture the rest of the cows. If you spot either of these cows, please call Applecheek Farm at 802-888-4482. Thanks to everyone for their support.”
• Judy, Hyde Park FPF, Nov. 9, 2015

Chicken thief strikes Berlin… bear, fox, dog… or human?

Posted on Monday, October 5, 2015 by 2 comments

“Friday night after lock-in a human broke into our back yard chicken coop. This person climbed over the fence, damaging it (dude – the gate was open) and removed the roof of the nesting boxes, placing it on top of the coop (animals can’t do that). Missing are a very friendly 5-6 month old NH Red hen and an older male guinea who is in the process of molting (so extra ugly at the moment). They are banded birds and had been free range during the day. If you have my birds, please consider returning them (anywhere on the property would do – you know where I live). If you wanted a fun pet, know that the guinea is NOT going to transition well to your home/coop, and you are about to severely regret your choice. He is bonded to another one of my birds and will not function well on his own (he barely knew how to function anyway). He is loud and poops more like a goose than a chicken (that’s not good). He’s terrified of anything new and has a monster of a voice. He doesn’t like most other birds. That said, we love our birds. We’d love to have them back. We know it’s a long shot but maybe someone will notice a new hen and guinea bird and let us know! Thanks, Front Porch Forum.”
• Anne, Berlin FPF

“After reading your post, I started to wonder if someone stole our chickens too. We were away for the weekend and when we returned 15 chickens were missing. If anyone wondered why we weren’t putting out fresh eggs this is why. We only had 19 chickens to begin with lately anyway. We did see 2 piles of feathers, but 15 missing chickens we would have thought to see more evidence if a fox were to blame. We did see some LARGE prints of some sort in our garden but that is fenced in. They were of the large dog or bear variety of animal. Unsure if humans were involved but will be obtaining a camera…”
• Sandy, Berlin FPF