Posted on Monday, December 19, 2016 by
Michael •
“Hey neighbors! I live in the flats down by River Street and there is enough furniture cast outside to furnish a two-bedroom apartment! Mallett’s Bay corner has like 3 couches… drive a little way past Chick’s on River and you’ve got the abandoned lot with mattresses and tires. Then a little further down is a television that’s been there for weeks. Anyone have any idea why our code enforcement allows our city to look like this? Let’s have a little more pride of place! It’s really quite embarrassing when hosting visitors. Anyone want to organize a clean up? I don’t have a truck, but I just got a tetanus shot so I’m up for it! Maybe the city will reimburse our dump payment? Please contact me and let’s get this crap out of our streets!”
• Allyson, Winooski FPF
“The squeaky wheel gets the grease and I’m happy to report the mattresses and tires have been removed from the lot on River Street! I’m not sure who is responsible for the clean-up but I’d wager my calls, e-mails and Front Porch Forum discussion was a help to expedite the process! I’m so glad to live in a community where action is taken once the problem is addressed. Let’s stay engaged and keep our streets clean! Thank you to everyone who reached out in solidarity on this issue.”
• Allyson, Winooski FPF, a few days later