Category Archives: Knight Foundation

Vermont libraries use FPF to connect with community

Posted on Friday, November 6, 2015 by No comments yet

“The Friends of the Castleton Free Library are grateful to our members. We are also happy to… support Front Porch Forum. Thank you FPF for giving our community a valuable and worthwhile way to communicate with each other.”
• Liz, Castleton Hubbardton FPF

One key step for launching a small business in VT…

Posted on Friday, October 16, 2015 by No comments yet

“When I started my business, Front Porch Forum was there to get my name out, and connect me with clients. I want to give a huge thank-you to all of those who work so hard to make FPF a daily success. Please consider giving a donation to keep this invaluable service running! Thank you, FPF. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
• Tanya, North Hero FPF,