Posted on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 by
Gisele •
Neighbors love helping each other! See for yourself in the recent stories below that started as postings to local Front Porch Forums. What’s going on in your community that you can post on your Forum?
• Goldfish Crackers for Classrooms from Meredith in Burlington – “Recently I posted asking for Goldfish crackers for our classrooms. Today, 12 cartons of bulk Goldfish crackers arrived on my front porch. Unfortunately, there was no paperwork so I don’t know whom to thank. Whoever was so gracious, please know that the sight of all those boxes of Goldfish made many students and teachers smile and say thank you as I dropped them off in each classroom. Our students really appreciate your generous donation!”
• Thank You for the Coop Cleaning Offers from Felicia in Rural Essex – “Thank you to everyone who reached out offering to clean my chicken coop while I am postpartum! I received so many kind messages from people offering to do it for FREE, and it’s not even the Christmas season! Thank you especially to Sonya and her son for going above and beyond and making my hens very happy. Not many teens I know would spend their Sunday cleaning a neighbor’s gross coop with such a good-natured attitude, let alone refuse the $50 that’s offered. This was a reminder for me that there are still MANY good people in the world, especially here in our little corner of it.”
• A Baking Club to Help Others from Ali in Underhill – “Hi everyone! Recently, my 7-year-old met an older and more isolated community member and that interaction stuck with her. She (we) would like to offer a monthly act of service to a few neighbors who need some sweetness in their lives: The Happy Harts Baking Club!
Each month, together, we’ll pick a sweet treat to bake, pack and deliver along with a piece of art created by her (or other school-aged friends who may volunteer to help!). This is ideal for senior citizens, folks who are isolated, or individuals dealing with an illness or special circumstance. If you or someone you know would benefit from a little extra goodness in your month, please email me and we’ll coordinate with you. Please note this is a free service, and, at this time, we can’t manage any allergies or food sensitivities.
For now, we’re going to commit to doing this once a month for the next three months for up to 5 households. If there’s greater interest, we’ll have a small waiting list and rotate through. We’ll hope to continue it into 2024 assuming there’s continued interest (on both sides)!”