Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Keep Going Vermont Strong

Posted on Thursday, July 27, 2023 by No comments yet

The 2023 floods brought much devastation to Vermont. The recovery will be long and difficult, but not without signs of hope. Here are some snapshots of inspiring stories we’ve seen of neighbors coming together…

  • “We have been stranded since Monday – no access to food, medical care, etc. However, the bridge that has been built is a human one. Our neighbors have all banded together in helping each other in any way needed.”
    • Paul, Berlin
  • “I have a Plethora of dehumidifiers now. That was quite the outpouring. Already feeling dryer inside. Thank you so much Waterbury neighbors.”
    • Jim, Waterbury
  • “Just popping in to say I have a working, unflooded car with 4 seats and spare time this weekend! I can’t fit much in the way of Stuff, but if anyone needs rides to work, appointments, errands, etc- please feel free to shoot me an email, I’ve been checking every couple hours lately.”
    • Grace, Montpelier
  • “Our road was hit very hard and it was not an easy job. Not only that, but the sense of community on our street was nothing like I have ever experienced. I met more of my neighbors in 36 hours than I had in the three years since we moved here. Me and my family received numerous check-ins, offers of places to park or stay, offers of food and water. The feeling of support all around definitely made weathering this whole experience much easier. Words can’t express how thankful I am to live on such a wonderful road surrounded by so many wonderful neighbors!
    • Nikola, Middlesex
  • “I was driving though Plainfield, hoping to find an alternative route to Hardwick, when I spotted the sweetest sign in front of a black plastic bucket with flowers inside, at the end of a driveway. The cardboard sign stated “Bad day? Free flowers.”
    • Rose, Woodbury
  • Hoping to find the man who came to my door last night, during the storm, to tell me that there were sparks right near the side of my house and he was worried about a fire to my house. A huge tree had fallen and turned out there was a live wire under the tree that was sparking. The fire department came immediately and took care of everything; they were great!! I am hoping this man may have told some friends the story and they might read this and I can find out who this kind man was who saved my house. I want to be able to thank him!!!”
    • Joan, Woodbury
  • “To the off-duty rescue worker who helped get a neighbor out of her swamped apartment. Even carried her dog to safety. Appreciation to the canoe couple who helped a neighbor on Franklin St with belongings and waited patiently for the flooded neighbor to get her things and self together to leave. Thank you to the guy who carried items out of an apartment to dry ground. Every person who walked flooded Franklin St and was asked for help, stopped to assist people. Thank you to all who asked if anyone needed help. Things were happening so fast and those caring folks were needed to do just what they did in that moment. You assisted many and asked nothing. Molto Gracia.”
    • Barbara in Montpelier

Check out FPF’s new emergency feature: the Regional Disaster Response Board. It’s designed to facilitate mutual aid across communities and share vital updates. Just post to your local Forum, and any disaster-response-related postings will show up on your region’s board.

If you’re looking for ways to support neighbors, check out the Regional Disaster Response Board today. You’ll see requests for assistance (along with many updates) from all the Forums across your county.

Posted in: Community Building, Crisis Response, Front Porch Forum, Gratitude, How To Use FPF, Local Online, social capital, Stories, Vermont

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