Author Archives: Michael

Knife Assault on Burlington Bike Path

Posted on Friday, April 28, 2017 by 10 comments

“On April 27, my 13-year-old was attacked just before 6 p.m. by a man with a folding pocketknife on the bike path near the train trestle between North Beach and Leddy Park. The man demanded my son hand over his bike and his wallet. Although my son was fortunate enough to get away with both his bike and his wallet, the man slashed him with the knife on his face and his shoulder. The cuts were superficial, but the whole event was incredibly frightening. Please take care on the bike path!”
• Lori, a Burlington South End neighborhood Front Porch Forum

UPDATE:  “I’ve received several requests for a description of the man who assaulted my son on the bike path on Thursday, April 27. My son is still in shock and cannot recall all that happened, but here are the details he remembers about the man:  White male, mid- to late twenties, approximately 5′ 7″ tall, average build, was wearing a very nice Nike zip-front black hoodie with the hood up and navy workout pants, and had two rings on his right hand—one on the pointer finger and one on his middle finger. The man first slashed my son while the knife was in his right hand, but then transferred the knife to his left hand before slashing my son the second time.”

Front Porch Forum folks give wonderful send-off to Morrisville couple

Posted on Monday, March 13, 2017 by No comments yet

“Thank you Front Porch Forum folks… you have made Ellen’s day… so great to see my wife so blessed enjoying so many of you stopping by today to say goodbye. Thanks for a great 22 years in Morrisville. We will miss all the wonderful people in this great town.”
Philip, Morrisville

Know someone moving to or from your town? Organize a welcome or going-away party on your neighborhood FPF!

Hinesburg chicken coop stolen in broad daylight

Posted on Sunday, March 12, 2017 by No comments yet

“Posting for a friend: She had a chicken coop stolen off her property in Hinesburg Wednesday afternoon about 3-4:30. Blue Chevy pick up headed towards Bristol with 3 people 2 males and 1 female. If you saw them or have any information please contact Hinesburg Police. I don’t have a photo of the coop but it’s big, stands on 4 legs, has window on side and long one on back to get eggs out. No siding on it yet just plywood on sides. Its about 6 feet by 4 feet.”
• Mallory, Bristol Front Porch Forum

Many folks recommend reporting local crimes on your FPF… helps to raise awareness… a kind of neighborhood watch.

And… who steals someone’s chicken coop?