Thoughtful discussion from Front Porch Forum members allows us to learn and connect with our neighbors.
“I have to admit, my favorite bits of FPF are the disagreements. I think arguments on FPF are really helpful. They bring to the surface issues that we don’t always talk about. Everyone gets a chance to gauge the opinions of their neighbors. It’s not hard to chime in. Every time there’s a chain of discussion posts–about panhandling, or dogs, or pedestrians and drivers, I learn something. For me, it’s good to know just how much I disagree, and why, and who I might occasionally agree with.
Consensus might be best, but disagreement is way better than silence. Thanks, to Front Porch Forum and everyone who takes the time to post their arguments.” • Glen, City Councilor in Montpelier
Posted in: Civic Engagement, Community Building, Online Civility
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more