A sweet story to share from the conversations on Front Porch Forum:
“My friend pranked me with bags and bags of marshmallows (don’t ask) but now that the hilarity is over, I have about 20 bags of mini marshmallows. I’m thinking they would be great for making an army of snowmen. Or for the worlds largest cup of cocoa. Or an indoor igloo for the kids? Start your own gingerbread housing development? Or maybe you dreamed of jumping into a pile of marshmallows (I don’t judge). Either way, I’m hoping a kind neighbor will save me from diabetes and take them away soon.”
And FPF neighbors responded!
“Holy roller coasters, Batman! Waterbury loves marshmallows! Thank you all who responded–I had an avalanche of interested folks, so I apologize if I didn’t answer you directly. The marshmallows are re-homed, and my pancreas thanks you for saving me from diabetes.” • Zarin in Waterbury
Posted in: Humor, Stories