Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

How to use FPF to help your neighbors

Posted on Friday, November 17, 2017 by No comments yet

Did you know you can use your local neighborhood FPF to help those in need? Organize your neighbors to volunteer in a local soup kitchen or host a meal for those less fortunate. During this holiday season, you may be pleasantly surprised how giving your community can be!


  1. Post to organize several neighbors to volunteer at your local soup kitchen or community meal.
  2. Post an announcement two weeks prior to the event to invite neighbors in need AND to encourage volunteer help.
  3. Post a reminder message three days before.
  4. Choose the “Event” category so that your posting also shows up in the FPF Community Calendar.
  5. Check the share box to include neighboring towns.

Front Porch Forum examples:

“Pies for People is back! We are seeking volunteers to help roll out pie crust for holiday pies for our neighbors. These pies go to the Food Pantry, free community dinners, schools and nursing homes. A home made pumpkin pie is something everyone should be able to experience for Thanksgiving! If you’d like to help, please sign up” • Allison in Craftsbury

“Every year, in Brattleboro, for 40 years, there has been a community dinner where people can gather for a free meal. This year continues a great tradition. There is an opening for someone (can be more than one) to play some music to contribute to the meal’s general environment.”  • Breeze in Williamsville

“Nobody in town should go hungry, especially at the holidays. To make this happen we really need your help! We are collecting food to feed local families in need. Please help us by bringing in a grocery gift card or item listed. Your generosity is affording every local family the opportunity to have a warm and hearty Thanksgiving together.”  • Marianna in Stowe



Posted in: Community Building, Front Porch Forum, How To Use FPF

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