Posted on Monday, October 22, 2012 by
Michael •
#BTV #VT – As I walk around our vibrant community knocking on doors and hearing what’s on your minds, the one piece of feedback I receive over and over again is how much people appreciate my communication on Front Porch Forum. This is, of course, very encouraging to hear on a personal level and something for which I am humbly grateful.
It is also a testament to the power of Front Porch Forum as a tool in making our democracy more direct. FPF allows those of us elected officials who are fortunate enough to have it at our fingertips a fast, effective way to reach those who want to be engaged – and even brings unsuspecting folks into the conversation who just thought they were getting recommendations for a roofer!
FPF supports me in my efforts to give you all the latest news from Montpelier and get your comments and concerns in real time, and so I am happy to support FPF. Please consider becoming a supporting member today.
– Kesha Ram, State Rep., Burlington
Thanks Kesha!

Posted in: Burlington, Civic Engagement, Community Building, Democracy, e-Vermont, Front Porch Forum, Knight Foundation, Local Online, MacArthur Fellows, Neighborhood, social capital, Social Media, Stories, Vermont