A friend forwarded an email message today that was sent to dozens of parents whose children attend a local private school. They asked each parent to share the recruitment message with hundreds of neighbors via FPF, kind of like an old-fashion phone tree…
It would be enormously helpful if you would post this announcement to your neighborhood Front Porch Forum — to date, FPF has been the BEST source of prospective families, so it really does make a difference.
We see this all the time from dozens of area nonprofits, political campaigns, small businesses, and various groups. Give it a try to help your cause/event/organization/etc. spread the word to tens of thousands of Vermonters! If your supporters aren’t yet on FPF, send them to FrontPorchForum.com to sign up.
Of course, you’re also welcome to purchase highly effective FPF ad space.
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more
Im Handwerk gibt es einen neuen Trend: Auftragsb¶rsen wie My-Hammer. Dort k¶nnen Interessierte ihre Auftr¤ge einstellen und erhalten Gebote.
Handwerker mit zu wenig Auftr¤gen k¶nnen dann Auftr¤ge entgegennehmen. Danach Bewerimg.
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In the trades, there is a new trend in order exchanges such as My-Hammer. There, interested parties can enter their orders and receive bids.
Craftsmen with little jobs can accept orders. Then Bewerimg.
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