Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 by
Michael •
Apparently not even the New York Times knew one of their two co-founders hailed from Vermont! Posted by Bob Isherwood on Front Porch Forum today…

George Jones, born 200 years ago on this date in Poultney, Vt. was a co-founder of the New York Times. Jones was noted for his honesty, which he, in part, attributed to his Welsh upbringing, especially tested when he, as publisher in the 1870’s, help to bring to light the corruptness of “Boss” Tweed.
This e-VermontFront Porch Forum “social media special” is provided with thanks to David W. Dunlap of The New York Times. The New York Times of 2011 is in the forefront of the debate/discussion of how a traditional daily newspaper stays relevant in today’s online, immediate access to news reality.
Posted in: Democracy, e-Vermont, Front Porch Forum, Knight Foundation, Local Online, MacArthur Fellows, Media, Newspapers, Social Media, Stories, Vermont