Yearly Archives: 2010

Where to focus limited resources?

Posted on Monday, April 12, 2010 by No comments yet

Fred Wilson on Meetup

Our portfolio company Meetup has learned to focus on successful Meetup groups. Those are Meetup groups that are active, meeting regularly, have growing memberships, and are paying fees to Meetup. Meetup could focus on other data sets like monthly unique visitors, new Meetup groups, total registered users, revenues, profits, cash. They collect that data and share it with the team. But the number one thing they look at it successful Meetup groups and that has worked well for them. It is their key business metric.

In Front Porch Forum’s pilot network, we host 140 online neighborhood forums.  As with Meetup, the groups’ levels of activity and success vary tremendously.  Good food for thought.

Trick-or-Treat, Take 2

Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 by No comments yet

FPF member Eliza J. Anderson just blogged on Goodkin about an FPF episode…

This past October I rescheduled Halloween. Yep, moms really can be that powerful. I salvaged Anakin’s High Holy Day despite the H1N1, but I also suggested I have the power to move mountains (which makes me nervous)…

Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud as hell of this. Maybe because I never pretended to do it with magic; it was a simple Internet solution.  Front Porch Forum—our town’s listserv—is highly deployable for such moments of true crisis. Anakin spiked his fever at noon on October 31st, transforming from a commanding Darth Vader into a deflated lump of couch coal. Horrified, I reasoned that since a third of his school was out sick, others would likely bite at a little Halloween redo. And they did.

A week later, the fever passed, we had a list of seven participating households, a lovely dry evening for dress up (it poured on the real Halloween), a mutually agreed on 1 ½ hrs to go door to door, and the pleasure of other children greeting us (whose parents signed up to get rid of their sugary surplus).

Gotta love ingenuity and happy endings!

P.S.  “Listserv?”  Egads, no!  Read my rant.

Northeast Rural Summit to Feature FPF

Posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 by No comments yet

This promises to be a great event hosted by USDA RD and VCRD

The 2010 Northeast Rural Summit: Generating Rural Innovation and Regional Partnership ~ April 12 and 13, 2010 at the Burlington Hilton Hotel

Visit the Summit Website to Register or for more information

Join national and regional USDA leaders, state agency leaders, non-profit and business leaders from throughout the northeastern United States for two days of strategic planning around four crucial directions for the rural northeast:

  • Food Systems: Local Foods Development and Regional Foods Systems
  • Energy: Advancing Efficiency, Generation and Fuel Development
  • Broadband: Global Opportunities & Rural Lifestyles
  • Rural Economic Development: Investment in Innovation

The Summit is designed to share best regional and place-based practices and build strategic partnerships among state Rural Development offices and rural leadership organizations throughout the region.

It’s a real honor to have Front Porch Forum featured April 12 at this event.

Social Media Bubble? Relationship Inflation?

Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 by No comments yet

Oh boy.  Umair Haque is gonna get it.  The boisterous boosters of the blah-blah-blah-o-sphere won’t let his Harvard Business Review piece pass without comment (and lots of them).  Here’s a snippet…

Despite all the excitement surrounding social media, the Internet isn’t connecting us as much as we think it is. It’s largely home to weak, artificial connections, what I call thin relationships.

During the subprime bubble, banks and brokers sold one another bad debt — debt that couldn’t be made good on. Today, “social” media is trading in low-quality connections — linkages that are unlikely to yield meaningful, lasting relationships.

Call it relationship inflation.
