Great article in the Washington Post today by Ann Cameron Siegal, titled “From Nod and Wave to Know and Share: How to Spark A Neighborly Connection.” Here’s a taste…
Some people dream of living in communities where children pop in and out of one another’s houses, where adults gather on front porches for riveting conversations, where gardeners trade bounty over back fences.
Others don’t want that much closeness.
But most of us would like more than just a nodding acquaintance with neighbors.
What seems to have been easy and natural decades ago, when mothers were home and kids played outside for hours, takes a bit more effort today. That’s especially true when there’s no organization such as a homeowners association to get things started.
Sure, we’re all busy, but other factors can hinder neighborliness.
People drive into their garages, close the door automatically, then proceed inside.
Some houses are set back from the street, with only long driveways bridging the gap. Others sit along busy streets with no sidewalks, so strolling the neighborhood is not an option.
And as we come and go, we are often focused more on hand-held electronic devices than on our surroundings.
This is what Front Porch Forum is all about.
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more