Posted on Thursday, October 2, 2008 by
Michael •
Alicia wrote today from Burlington, VT…
My daughters and I had Welsh Corgi puppy fever and decided to wait until fall to find one. Imagine my delight and surprise when a Corgi puppy showed up on our neighborhood Front Porch Forum the weekend before school started. If we had designed our own a wanted poster he couldn’t have fit our family better. He has been a delight. It isn’t too much to say that Front Porch Forum changed our lives. As an added bonus, everyone saw the posting, so he became the neighborhood’s Corgi and joined our family as a local celebrity garnering lots of well wishes!
She went on to share that she used FPF to find her lost keys (dropped when walking the new puppy) and she got four flute loan offers when her daughter’s instrument broke the day before middle school started. This was all recent. It’s no wonder she says…
It isn’t too much to say that Front Porch Forum changed our lives.
A new puppy in the family, found keys, salvaged music class, and more and deeper connection to neighbors and community… not bad for a month’s work. While this is an above-average experience for our 11,000 local subscribers, it’s not unusual.