Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 by
Michael •
People’s use of Front Porch Forum has been making the news recently. You can watch, listen and read the coverage on our media page. And while the national and state-wide attention from, Wall Street Journal, Morning Edition VPR, etc. is wonderful, I also love the small local reporting.
For example, today the United Way of Chittenden County covered FPF, as did The Charlotte News, a community newspaper covering a small rural Vermont town. Here’s a quote…
Charlotter Lell Forehand says of the Forum: “I first read an article about Front Porch Forum in a newspaper and thought what a wonderful idea. I think the name ‘Front Porch Forum’ appealed to me as I grew up in a small community where people actually had front porches where we often sat and talked with our neighbors. (My Mom often said that she never wanted a house without a front porch.) Now we live in a world where people seem busier with little time for just ‘sitting and chatting.’ So I see Front Porch Forum as an ingenious idea to use technology as a way to be neighborly and to know more about community needs. This seems especially important in areas like Charlotte where our nearest neighbor may be in sight but maybe not. I have used FPF to seek information about various topics and have found it amazing that someone always responds with either the answer to my question or tells me someone to call who may know the answer. I have ‘met’ people in the community this way and hope that, if someone (or group) in the community has a special need, he or she would turn to FPF as a way to communicate that need. What a great way to build community spirit… kudos to those responsible for its initiation and those who keep it going.”
Please vote for us! And help spread the word… one vote per email address. Polls close April 22, 2008.
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Posted in: Case Foundation, Community Building, Front Porch Forum, Local Online, Make It Your Own Awards, Media, Newspapers, social capital, Social Networking, Stories, Vermont