Monthly Archives: August 2008

Media Literacy Education

Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2008 by No comments yet

I’m looking forward to speaking about our experience growing Front Porch Forum at this upcoming event…

GROWING UP DIGITAL: Kids, Commercialism & New Media Culture
Organized by: Action Coalition for Media Education – Vermont Chapter
Sept. 26, 2008 in Burlington, VT

Online advertising status

Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2008 by No comments yet

Lots and lots written about online advertising dollars.  Bottom line… it (online ad spend) is big and it’s growing.  Although, it’s not likely to grow as fast as some predictions previously suggested.

Lending a hand through Front Porch Forum pulls others into that way of thinking and living

Posted on Monday, August 11, 2008 by No comments yet

A Front Porch Forum subscriber to the Charlotte Shore Neighborhood Forum just posted this…

Do you have a recliner in your house that you are no longer using? I have a dear 77 year old friend in Burlington who has had serious circulation problems in her legs and is looking for relief by resting in a comfortable recliner. I will offer to pay for it (under $200) and deliver it to her.

So, not only is she going to great lengths to help a friend in need, but she’s offering dozens of nearby neighbors the opportunity to join that effort… and to bear witness to this act. And we’re all a little better for it.

Meatloaf memorabilia… didn’t know there was such a thing

Posted on Monday, August 11, 2008 by No comments yet

Favorite Front Porch Forum posting of the day (from my neighbor, Don)…

Neighbors – I am looking to buy a vinyl version of Meatloaf “Back Into Hell” (it’s the Bat out of Hell II), from around 1993, I think. The condition of the vinyl is not important, but my sister wants a cover in good condition to complete a full set of Meatloaf memorabilia. I guess there’s no accounting for taste, but she is my sister, so I said I’d help. Any aging head-bangers out there?

Now that’s a good brother.

Web success is slow coming

Posted on Sunday, August 10, 2008 by No comments yet

Seth Godin’s recent post rings true to our experience with Front Porch Forum to date…

The irony of the web is that the tactics work really quickly… But the strategy still takes forever. The strategy is the hard part, not the tactics.

… If you stick at stuff that bores them, it accrues. Drip, drip, drip you win.

It still takes ten years to become a success, web or no web.

The media wants overnight successes (so they have someone to tear down). Ignore them. Ignore the early adopter critics that never have enough to play with. Ignore your investors that want proven tactics and predictable instant results. Listen instead to your real customers, to your vision and make something for the long haul. Because that’s how long it’s going to take, guys.

In fact, I’ve often referred to FPF as the “tortoise” compared to lots of “hares” covered in the press.

Place Blog Data from New York Times

Posted on Sunday, August 10, 2008 by No comments yet

Bob Tedeschi wrote in the New York Times (Aug. 10, 2008) about local news blogs and included some interesting data… [Montclair, N.J., and surrounding towns]:

  • Posts about five or six videos, articles or photos every weekday.
  • Debuted in early 2004 and now attracts 18,000 readers on peak days… and more than 82,000 monthly readers, or roughly twice the population of Montclair, and about three times the number of readers it had early last year.
  • The site has a full-time editor, Annette Batson, a full-time designer, and four part-time workers, [and] now consistently generates more than $10,000 in monthly profits.

Red Bank Green ( [Newark, NJ], started in 2006… attracts about 45,000 readers a month. [Hoboken, NJ]… attracts more than 250,000 monthly visitors… readers click on “several million” pages monthly on his blog, founded in 2006, and have added more than 100,000 comments. [Westport, CT] started in 2003, has more than 40,000 monthly readers. [New Haven, CT], begun in 2005… has three full-time reporters and one part-time reporter, all paid for by $185,000 in grants, corporate sponsorships and private donations.

The Loop ( [Long Island, NY], a new hyperlocal site started last year… attracts more than 10,000 monthly visitors.

Launched in 2006, Front Porch Forum is a different model, but shares some things in common with these efforts. Our 10,000 subscribing households are local to our pilot area (greater Burlington, VT) and are about 20% of total households. These good folks supply nearly all of the writing (FPF employs no writers) and partake of our service every other day on average.

Community and Engagement… MeetUp and more

Posted on Friday, August 8, 2008 by No comments yet

Scott Heiferman of writes today

I’ve come to realize that the uphill battle Meetup faces isn’t just getting people away from the screen to go offline & face strangers — nor even having them embrace community or realize the power of self-organized groups. Perhaps the biggest challenge is getting people to see the value in institution, in organization, in structure… a “Meetup Everywhere about Most Everything” means there’s a grounded community organization in-place when you need it. When your social network can’t do what you need. The social graph is great for a lot of things (eg. relationships & help & events), but there’s a need for Organizations. Just-in-time organization is flimsy. It’s not there when you need it. Relationships aren’t in-place. Infrastructure isn’t there. Commitments are weak. Engagement begets durability — structure & relationships that weathers storms.

Based on our growing experience operating Front Porch Forum, I think he’s on to something.  People increasingly see FPF as part of the infrastructure around our pilot area.  And often the initially weak social connections that happen through FPF grow strong over time because they are made with clearly identified nearby neighbors.

And some folks want FPF to be more than it is… to become an “institution” as Scott describes above.  But it’s not that (yet)… FPF is best at introducing people and catalyzing connection and community among neighbors.  But they still need the bowling leagues, neighborhood associations, churches, scout troops, schools, etc., to be there over the long haul.

Ad spend data from Palore

Posted on Wednesday, August 6, 2008 by No comments yet

Mike Boland writes today about a nugget of data released by Palore

This set shows the monthly ad spends from a sample of 6000 advertisers in San Francisco and New York within the Yellow Pages headings of beauty & fitness, landscapers, photographers and limousine services.

Lots of places seeking enhanced sense of community

Posted on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum is focused on its pilot area of Chittenden County, Vermont (greater Burlington).  We’re working on expansion plans too and we’re fielding lots of lovely requests from individuals and communities across North America.  One such note just came in from Michelle in Louisville, KY…

I feel like our neighborhood desperately needs this form of outreach. We need a block watch, a place to hold forums, and other necessary meetings. I believe developing a tight knit community, restoration, getting to know your neighbors, etc. will greatly reduce the amount of recorded and unrecorded crime in my area, as well as produce an atmosphere of ownership and respect.

I look forward to being able to work with all of these places in addressing their needs for neighbor-to-neighbor connection and community building.