Posted on Sunday, October 23, 2016 by
Michael •
“I want to send out a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped my son after his house fire in August. I especially want to thank Vicki, Angela, and the anonymous donor who put together large donations of money and household goods he needed to get back on his feet. Without everyone’s help, he would have to live in a camper.
“After the fire, I figured we would be stuck scraping and scrounging to get him a place to live. I was convinced we would have to do it all on our own; that we didn’t count to anyone in town… All these people came together without us even asking and saved us a lot of struggle. You have all restored a big piece of my faith in human nature.
“My son’s trailer is supposed to be set in place today, and with a little luck we will have most of the utilities hooked up by this weekend. Again, thank you all so much for your help.”
• Randy, Albany Irasburg Front Porch Forum