Category Archives: Vermont

420 address sign in Waitsfield stolen… again

Posted on Saturday, December 3, 2016 by No comments yet

“Hi Neighbors… Once again someone stole my address numbers. This is the third time, twice this year. This time they pulled the whole post out of ground… with the number 420 on it. I have had this address since the start of E 911, and I hate to change it. If you see a brown 4×4 with number 420 on it please notify me or the State police.”
• Vic, Waitsfield FPF

“I want to thank all those who responded to my posting about the stolen house number post. You left me a lot of suggestions on what I could do. I want to thank Front Porch Forum for their help, and special thank you to Susan who spotted the post on Blush Hill in Waterbury, and sent me directions. The post has been picked up and I will reset it and try again.”
• Vic, Waitsfield FPF, a few days later

Online FPF Community Calendar… each Vermont town has one

Posted on Saturday, December 3, 2016 by No comments yet

“At last a way to see some of what is going on in the Valley – please keep showing the Mad River Valley FPF Community Calendar!”
• Pamela, Warren Front Porch Forum

“Just want to thank the FPF member who posted about the 2016 Holiday Concert held at the Hunger Mt Christian Assembly Church this afternoon. We took my 79-year-old Mom, as a Christmas gift, and we all loved it! It’s great to hear about events in our community right here on our FPF!”
• Sue, Duxbury FPF


Newport Elks Club uses FPF to bring in a crowd to annual craft sale

Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 by No comments yet

“On behalf of Newport Elks Club#2155. I would like to thank Front Porch Forum for letting us post our annual Craft Sale last Saturday. It was very successful. Thanks again.”
• Reg, Jay Peak FPF