Category Archives: Vermont

Windblown snow tube recovered half-mile away by Hyde Park neighbors

Posted on Monday, January 16, 2017 by No comments yet

“Thanks to a kind-hearted neighbor, our snow tube was FOUND! It traveled about 1/2 a mile and crossed Battle Row, but our neighbor kept it safe for us. Front Porch Forum helped us get the word out about it being lost, so we’re thankful for FPF too. Gotta love Hyde Park! Thanks, Fred.”
• Jon and Deb, Hyde Park FPF

“Glad to be a Vermonter, where good neighbors are the rule rather than the exception”

Posted on Monday, January 16, 2017 by No comments yet

“I received a large number of responses to my ‘looking for a house’ posting. I am in the process of reading each one and plan on thanking the senders individually. But in case someone falls through the cracks of my responding, I want to offer this public THANK YOU. I love how responsive and supportive the community is. It’s things like this — along with reading about a person losing her credit card AND someone turning that same credit card into the police station in that same FPF issue — that make me glad to be a Vermonter, where good neighbors are the rule rather than the exception.”
• JD, Montpelier FPF

50+ sisterhood forming in Lamoille County

Posted on Monday, January 16, 2017 by No comments yet

“After reading about the crafters group (I’m not a crafty), I was wondering if there are neighbors out there who would be interested in a social group for people age 50 and up for getting together once a month for a book club, a dinner, a movie, walking, coffee, etc. I’m busy working all the time and figured I need some balance in my life in the new year! Don’t be shy. Just email.”
• Gabriele, Morrisville FPF

“Our 50+ social group is up and running. We had a wonderful, very diverse evening of sisterhood last night with many more to come! This would not have been possible without Front Porch Forum. A big THANK YOU to FPF from all the fantastic women in our new group.”
• Gabriele, Morrisville FPF, week later

Many Vermonters use FPF to turn online social networking into real-world groups of friends and neighbors.  Give it a try in your town.

Increased break-ins? Rally neighbors to keep watch

Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 by No comments yet

“Just want to let people know that in Williamstown we are having break-ins. If you see or hear anything, please call police. This seems to be getting out of hand, so as a community we need to keep watch over our neighbors. If something doesn’t look right, call… especially when you know people are away and for the elderly who are home alone.”
• Donna, Williamstown Front Porch Forum

Many communities across Vermont use their local FPFs as a kind of neighborhood watch.  When break-ins, vandalism and other crime intrudes on your community, in addition to contacting police, post to your FPF to keep your neighbors informed.

Morrisville neighbors “never disappoint” when asked for help

Posted on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 by No comments yet

“I’m always blown away by the responses and never disappointed when I post to Front Porch Forum! Thank you, neighbors, for the many house cleaner recommendations! We have quite a list to sift through and will be reaching out shortly to find the right fit for our family. Well and warm wishes for 2017!”
• Lisa, Morrisville FPF

Need a local recommendation?  Ask neighbors on your FPF today.

10 Words for 10 Years – FPF annual word play and free prize drawing

Posted on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 by No comments yet

FPF is ten years old now! Help us celebrate with our annual New Year word play and free prize drawing!

Submit your entry before midnight Thursday, January 5, 2017 — any posting consisting of exactly ten (10) words submitted before the deadline will enter you into a free drawing* to win one of these 25 great prizes:

• One overnight room at Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa
• One K250 Coffee Maker (in Red) from Keurig
• One Tower of Treasures from Lake Champlain Chocolates
• Two cases of SAP! Maple Drinks (2 winners)
• One $100 gift certificate to Jivana Holistic Spa in Burlington
• One $100 gift certificate to Hunger Mountain Co-op in Montpelier
• One $100 gift certificate to Prohibition Pig in Waterbury
• One $50 gift certificate to Flying Pig Bookstore in Shelburne
• One $100 gift certificate to Bluebird Barbecue in Burlington
• One $100 gift certificate for Troy West Carpet Cleaning in Barre
• One $100 Gift Certificate to to Farmers to You in Berlin
• 12 pints of frozen yogurt (one/month) from SoYo Frozen Yogurt
• One “Year of Free Bread” card for Great Harvest Bread Company
• One full makeover at Sequoia Salon in Burlington
• One family portrait or signed print from Carolyn L. Bates Photography
• One 5-punch treatment card to OPEN Community Acupuncture in Waterbury
• One $100 gift certificate to the Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington
• Two tickets to Joey Alexander April 22 at The Flynn Theater
• Two tickets to Bal© Folcl³rico da Bahia Jan. 27 at The Flynn Theater
• Two tickets to Cinderella, by State Ballet Theater of Russia Jan. 28, Spruce Peak Arts
• Two 1-Day Lift Tickets (no restrictions) to Sugarbush
• Two 1-Day Lift Tickets (valid mid-week, non-holiday) to Bolton Valley
• One 1-month Family Membership to The Edge
• One $125 gift certificate to the Shelburne Field House
• Pair of Buy Local coupon books and mobile apps from Local First Vermont (3 winners)

Thanks to the local Vermont businesses who donated these wonderful prizes.

Now get creative! Make your neighbors laugh, cry, smile, think! — and POST AN ENTRY:

• Go to and click LOGIN (if not already logged in).
• Once logged in, click MY ACCOUNT.
• Select posting category “10 Words for 10 Years – FPF Raffle,” type your posting, and click SUBMIT POSTING.

*FPF welcomes up to two entries per day per person. Post about whatever tickles your fancy. Click on the links under PAST ENTRIES for loads of great samples.

Invite your Vermont friends, family, co-workers and others to join their local FPF and enter the raffle!  They can sign up at Check out flyers, social media tie-ins, and more on our Pitch In page.  Spread the word!

UPDATE:  This raffle is now CLOSED.  Here are our lucky randomly drawn winners…

One overnight room at Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa
Mary O’Brien, Hartland
“Front Porch communication creates community, notifies neighbors, knits strangers together.”

One K250 Coffee Maker (in Red) from Keurig
Rita Muller, Peacham
“Despite digital distraction, community and neighbors still remain incredibly important.”

One Tower of Treasures from Lake Champlain Chocolates
Alec Slater, South End, Burlington
“I’m an apple-farming physician, so I keep myself away.”

Two cases of SAP! Maple Drinks
Berta Winiker, Bennington
“Oh, schizophrenic Vermont winter, what variety might we see today?”
Theresa Butts, Tinmouth
“Palindrome love: Are we not drawn onward to new era?”

One $100 gift certificate to Jivana Holistic Spa in Burlington
Dan Elliott, New North End, Burlington
“So many engaged people; tell a friend to join FPF!”

One $100 gift certificate to Hunger Mountain Co-op in Montpelier
Ed Leszko, Barre
“My house has no front porch; internet does; thank you!”

One $100 gift certificate to Prohibition Pig in Waterbury
Elisabeth Walton, Stowe
“What did the zero say to the eight? Nice belt!”

One $50 gift certificate to Flying Pig Bookstore in Shelburne
Sarah Forbes, Williston
“Oh what nice people I have met borrowing and lending!”

One $100 gift certificate to Bluebird Barbecue in Burlington
Rachelle Gould, Old North End, Burlington
“FPF, the anti-Twitter: focused on local, no Trump, limitless characters.”

One $100 gift certificate for Troy West Carpet Cleaning in Barre
Quint Welters, Cabot
“Why did the chicken cross the road?  Dunno.  Ask FPF… ”

One $100 Gift Certificate to to Farmers to You in Berlin
Lava Mueller, Randolph
“I gave up social media… except for Front Porch Forum!”

12 pints of frozen yogurt (one/month) from SoYo Frozen Yogurt
Raven Grey, South End, Burlington
“Don’t feed loons poptarts, ‘they are endangered,’ people will yell.”

One “Year of Free Bread” card for Great Harvest Bread Company
Michelle Yargeau, South Burlington
“Let your words pass through three filters:  kind, true necessary?”

One full makeover at Sequoia Salon in Burlington
Zachary Key, Winooski
“Have I ever bought milk from the same cow twice?”

One family portrait or signed print from Carolyn L. Bates Photography
Bobbie Moser, Milton
“Congratulations to Front Porch Forum! We are all better connected.”

One 5-punch treatment card to OPEN Community Acupuncture in Waterbury
Linda Jones, Warren
“A broken ankle showed me the true spirit of Vermont!”

One $100 gift certificate to the Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington
David Hobb, South Hero
“Sparks fly with impunity; Please grant immunity; Forum implies community.”

Two tickets to Joey Alexander April 22 at The Flynn Theater
Toria Reed, Salisbury
“Found a dog, lost a cat, everyone got pets back.”

Two tickets to Bal© Folcl³rico da Bahia Jan. 27 at The Flynn Theater
Leo Laforce, Westford
“President elect should learn to use FPF instead of twitter.”

Two tickets to Cinderella, by State Ballet Theater of Russia Jan. 28, Spruce Peak Arts
Richard Hamlin, Georgia
“Once a small forum; now a lifeline for many people.”

Two 1-Day Lift Tickets (no restrictions) to Sugarbush
Amanda Skull, Newfane
“Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet.”  • Abraham Lincoln

Two 1-Day Lift Tickets (valid mid-week, non-holiday) to Bolton Valley
Julie Welkowitz, Richmond
“Lending a hand; selling tires; love the Vermont community spirit!”

One 1-month Family Membership to The Edge
Dale Lacroix, Essex Junction
“Be kind to unkind people. They need it the most.”

One $125 gift certificate to the Shelburne Field House
Carole Carlson, Shelburne
“This Front Porch Forum skeptic has become an avid supporter.”

Pair of Buy Local coupon books and mobile apps from Local First Vermont
Melissa Marcello, Charlotte
“You’ve outlasted the typical vacuum cleaner. FPF definitely doesn’t suck!”
Leah Pellegrini, Essex Junction
“We moved here one year ago. FPF has helped us!”
Laurie Newton, Bolton
“Bears hibernating, cats sleeping, frozen-fingered humans starting cold cars.”

Tip from neighbor and two-hour chase brings ducks on the lam home to Huntington

Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2016 by No comments yet

“Thanks to everyone who emailed me about our four missing ducks. A tip from one of you brought us to the pond/pine tree where they were hanging out. After a couple of long hours chasing them around looking like a bunch of idiots, they are back home (with their wings clipped). Thanks, neighbors!”
• Amanda, Huntington FPF

Quack!  Missing an animal or pet of any kind?  Ask neighbors for tips on Front Porch Forum.

Grateful for Randolph neighbor’s expression of gratitude

Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2016 by No comments yet

“When I saw the headline “Gratitude” I felt warmed. Just to know that another Front Porch Forum member is feeling gratitude for this forum, and for all the aspects of community that promote a better life around here, feels good. And to be reminded of the need to express and receive the warmth that accompanies gratitude is a helpful thing. So, thanks for the good vibes, Nancy! Happy New Year!”
• Josie, Randolph FPF

What are you grateful for today?  Share with your neighbors on