Category Archives: Social Networking

Chicken thief strikes Berlin… bear, fox, dog… or human?

Posted on Monday, October 5, 2015 by 2 comments

“Friday night after lock-in a human broke into our back yard chicken coop. This person climbed over the fence, damaging it (dude – the gate was open) and removed the roof of the nesting boxes, placing it on top of the coop (animals can’t do that). Missing are a very friendly 5-6 month old NH Red hen and an older male guinea who is in the process of molting (so extra ugly at the moment). They are banded birds and had been free range during the day. If you have my birds, please consider returning them (anywhere on the property would do – you know where I live). If you wanted a fun pet, know that the guinea is NOT going to transition well to your home/coop, and you are about to severely regret your choice. He is bonded to another one of my birds and will not function well on his own (he barely knew how to function anyway). He is loud and poops more like a goose than a chicken (that’s not good). He’s terrified of anything new and has a monster of a voice. He doesn’t like most other birds. That said, we love our birds. We’d love to have them back. We know it’s a long shot but maybe someone will notice a new hen and guinea bird and let us know! Thanks, Front Porch Forum.”
• Anne, Berlin FPF

“After reading your post, I started to wonder if someone stole our chickens too. We were away for the weekend and when we returned 15 chickens were missing. If anyone wondered why we weren’t putting out fresh eggs this is why. We only had 19 chickens to begin with lately anyway. We did see 2 piles of feathers, but 15 missing chickens we would have thought to see more evidence if a fox were to blame. We did see some LARGE prints of some sort in our garden but that is fenced in. They were of the large dog or bear variety of animal. Unsure if humans were involved but will be obtaining a camera…”
• Sandy, Berlin FPF

Treadmill killer finds next victim from Vergennes neighbors

Posted on Saturday, October 3, 2015 by No comments yet

Karen posted on her Vergennes FPF…

I’ve killed my treadmill… I won’t survive without one for long! if you’ve got a decent one gathering dust and/or clothing, and it’s a fairly heavy duty, fully functional model, I’m interested! Thank you!

And then she followed up today with…

Front Porch Forum is a Great Resource… there are a LOT of treadmills out there waiting for someone to use them!  Thank you for all the responses; I now have a treadmill and a rowing machine.

Recumbent bike loan in Ferrisburgh

Posted on Monday, September 28, 2015 by No comments yet

“Thank you to KS in Charlotte who had a recumbent bike he wasn’t using. Now I can continue with my physical therapy while I am still basically home bound. Thanks also to Front Porch Forum for bringing neighbors together to help one another. It is really appreciated.”
• Mickey, Ferrisburgh FPF

Missing tent found thanks to neighbors

Posted on Monday, September 28, 2015 by No comments yet

“Thanks to a tip from FPF member the missing tent has been found! And thanks to Front Porch Forum for providing the ability to help each other in so many ways… “
• Sue, Waterbury FPF

Bubble wrapping Middlesex neighbors

Posted on Monday, September 14, 2015 by No comments yet

“My thanks to: Brian for bubble wrap; Barbara for more bubble wrap and vinca; and Maude for suggesting CVSWMD’s Additional Recyclables Collection Center in Barre as a source of as much bubble wrap as anyone could want. And thanks Front Porch Forum for providing a connection between neighbors.”
• Susan, Middlesex FPF

Treasured bonsai tree stolen from fair… happy ending

Posted on Sunday, September 13, 2015 by No comments yet

Dozens of versions of this posting appeared on FPFs across Vermont recently…

On the evening of Sept. 3 in the Bonsai exhibition at Champlain Valley Expo, someone took a cherished juniper bonsai belonging to a member of the Green Mountain Bonsai Society.  The tree that was stolen is a miniature juniper. It must live outdoors, except during winter, to be healthy, and requires -40 degree cold-dormancy in the winter to stay alive – a bonsai like this is NOT a house plant. The club is asking PLEASE — whoever took this tree — find a way to return it to the owner [who is heartbroken]. If you have any knowledge about this tree, please contact us.

Followed by a gratifying…

This could only happen in Vermont. The Bonsai stolen from the Fair has been returned. Apparently all the publicity about how difficult it would be to care for the tree paid off. It was found on an office desk at the Flynn, and it looked like the wiring had been loosened, possibly as attempted removal from the pot had been attempted, without knowledge of how to actually do it. A little the worse for wear, it has been returned to its owner. Would that solving bigger crimes would be so easy. To the extent that Front Porch Forum postings by all of those who spread the word contributed to the return, many thanks from the owner and the members of the Green Mountain Bonsai Society.