Category Archives: Social Networking

Underhill wood stackers get it done

Posted on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 by No comments yet

“Seeking 2 to 3 people to help stack our wood. 15.00 dollars an hour lunch included. Sunday June 5th 8am.”
• Janet, Underhill FPF

“Many thanks from us, a shout out to Matt, Max, Justin, Noel, Cortland and Shane, and of course Front Porch Forum! Never seen the wood pile disappear so quickly, and stacked properly! Thank you! A job well done!”
• Janet, Underhill FPF a couple days later

Break-ins in Brattleboro; Morrisville teens stealing from parked cars

Posted on Monday, June 6, 2016 by No comments yet

“Break-in on Forest Street in the AM. Also, break-in on Acorn Lane sometime between 8:30 AM and 4 PM. Door jimmied and lots of cash stolen, as well as jewelry.”
• Scott, Brattleboro Front Porch Forum

“My husband and I were awaken Friday night to 2 juvenile males entering our cars. They grabbed wallets, check book and a few other worthless items. The police responded immediately and were lucky enough to track them down. All of our items were returned. The teens live right across from Joe’s Pond Road in Morrisville and wondered down to our neighborhood, about 1.5 miles away. I am sure we are not the only house they were attempting to steal from. We have learned our lesson to never leave our doors unlocked. If you live in this area and noticed anything missing Saturday you may want to contact the PD.”
• Jessica, Morrisville FPF

Cat shot in Warren front yard… Seeking leads

Posted on Monday, June 6, 2016 by No comments yet

“We are in search of the person who shot our neighbors’ cat on our front lawn. Our 12-year-old son found the cat. We are sad for our neighbors’ loss and we hope that the person responsible feels some remorse and sees this message. They were shooting towards our home, which has 2 young boys in it. If anyone has any information about this crime we hope you will come forward.”
• Joanna, Mad River Valley Front Porch Forum

Purse snatching in St. Albans

Posted on Monday, May 30, 2016 by 5 comments

“My wife walked home tonight and showed up with skinned knees and a a huge red mark on her neck from her purse strap. A man on a bicycle rode up behind her and tried to take her purse off her neck. Dragging her to the ground. Thankfully she wears it across her shoulder opposite side. This happened on Main St. by Citizens Bank. Just thought all my neighbors should know. Please be careful!”
• Dustin, Saint Albans Front Porch Forum

Mailbox vandalism in Middlesex

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2016 by No comments yet

Disappointing news on the Middlesex Front Porch Forum this week…

“Did anyone else notice smashed mailboxes on Center Rd? Ours was hit and it looked like more were hit as I went down the road.”
• Cindy

“Our mailbox was damaged last night as was others on West Hill Road. Mailboxes on Marcy Road also appear to be have been targeted.”
• Ira

“Our mailbox was also hit here on west hill rd and I noticed another one on story rd. It has a blue mark on it so whatever they were using was blue.”
• Nichole

“Almost every mailbox was hit on Macey Rd! My mailbox was particularly hurting.”
• Hal

“I think our mailbox was vandalized Thursday night. It was fine on Thursday, but Friday morning it has a big dent and the door won’t shut. Hard to understand why someone would do this.”
• Scottie

“I was disgusted thus morning to see the amount of damage done to our neighborhood mailboxes. Alot of them destroyed. This is beyond the damage that has been done in the past. I truly hope those that had severe damage done have called the police. This is not acceptable… I know I will be watching even more closely. Also I saw a bear acouple nights ago on my lawn.. becareful everyone.”
• Kathie

“Our mailbox was also hit here on west hill rd. on Thursday night. The impact mark was rounded. I would guess it was a baseball bat.”
• Harold

“We noticed our mailbox was bent and the door wouldn’t shut Friday am, too. Any follow up to the rest of the roads with this vandalism? Thanks.”
• Linda

“Shady Rill across from French road was hit this weekend as well.”
• Zara

More parked-car vandalism in Burlington

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2016 by No comments yet

Neighbors – The windows in my son’s car were shot out with a pellet gun a couple weeks ago.  It’s been a tremendous burden… both financially and wondering when the vandals will strike again. I have friends that have been hit on DeForest, South Cove, Foster and Robinson, so they’re all over the place. My neighbors down the street had their motorbikes shoved over violently, causing damage to all three… completely and utterly senseless. Don’t park you vehicles on the street if you don’t have to, and keep a look out!”
• Tony, a Burlington neighborhood Front Porch Forum