Category Archives: Social Networking

Vergennes kids threatened with gun

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2016 by No comments yet

June 13, shortly before 5:00pm, my three oldest boys were outside playing. A vehicle drove past them… and the driver pointed a gun out the window of the car at my children, said something they couldn’t understand, and drove away, up Elm Street and turned onto 22A/Main Street. The boys were scared and ran inside to tell my husband and me. We called the police who came by to speak with them.

Unfortunately, my sons were startled and did not get much information to help figure out who did this. They each confirm that the vehicle was blue and they say it looks like a Suburu but could be mistaken. They are pretty sure two teenage guys were in the car and that it had green, VT plates. But they aren’t sure what direction it headed once it turned onto Main Street. The gun looked to them like a small, black gun.

While I hope that the most likely scenario is that some very cruel, irresponsible guys did this with a fake weapon as a deranged joke, we have no way of knowing who they were or why they did this. Frankly, I am very scared. If you have any knowledge of who this could have been, please call the Vergennes PD to report it.

One of the very best things about living in this small, tight-knit community is the way everyone looks out for each other. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and share any information you may have regarding it with the police.

• Alexandria, Vergennes Front Porch Forum

Randolph FPF produces pallets

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2016 by No comments yet

“We asked for pallets and people responded. Our forum is great!”
• Lyn, Randolph Front Porch Forum

Williston electrician recommendations piling up

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2016 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum is great. I got about a dozen recommendations for an electrician. I contacted the first person recommended, and he came the next day and did a great job. Thanks everyone for your help.”
• Tom, Williston FPF

Encouraging pollinators in East Montpelier

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2016 by 1 comment

“Several days ago, I posted here about encouraging pollinators in a new meadow space, and received emails from people telling me their pollinator habitat stories, gorgeous photos of bees at work, an invitation to tea, and suggestions for excellent resources. I’m so grateful for each response, and to Front Porch Forum for helping spread pollinator know-how.”
• Karen, East Montpelier FPF

Cute kitten back home in Craftsbury

Posted on Friday, June 10, 2016 by No comments yet

Did you lose a kitten? She is a most beautiful white cat with a rust and grey saddle and three black stripes on one front leg… about seven inches long, fairly long hair… but quite boney… appeared on our doorstep last evening. We are feeding her and calling her Amber (please take her before i’m completely in love)… can’t have her inside (allergy)… too sweet for just a barn cat… please call if you’d like to come by and meet her.”
• Carol, Craftsbury FPF

“Kitty is back home… I love Front Porch Forum… had a lovely day with a pretty kitty and now she’s back home.”
• Carol, Craftsbury FPF, next day