Category Archives: Social Networking

Three dogs roam Belvidere… home now

Posted on Thursday, July 7, 2016 by No comments yet

“HUGE THANK YOU to all who helped in all ways. Dogs were found and taken care of so well. Love Front Porch Forum.”
• Kathy, Cambridge FPF

Successful Arlington tag sale turns out crowd via FPF

Posted on Wednesday, July 6, 2016 by No comments yet

“We’d like to thank all readers of FPF who came to our tag sale this 4th of July weekend. We had a successful event and only mentioned the sale on Front Porch Forum. We had fun and we hope those who stopped by did as well. Thanks again.”
• Joy, Bill, Judy & Katie, Sunderland Arlington Sandgate FPF

Car stolen in Montpelier recovered in Burlington

Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 by No comments yet

“Monday night, a Volkswagen Passat Wagon was stolen from in front of our house on Wilder St. in downtown Montpelier. If you have any information or see this vehicle, please call Montpelier Police, Washington County Sheriff, or Middlesex State Police Barracks.”
• Megan, Montpelier Front Porch Forum

“The car stolen front Wilder St. was recovered in Burlington Wednesday night! Thank you all for your concern.”
• Megan, Montpelier FPF, two days later

Vergennes stolen purse – happy ending

Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 by No comments yet

1130a861f02b00b460a0f65c168b47ce“Saturday evening, I inadvertently left my purse and tote on the sidewalk in the heart of Vergennes at the streetlight. Multi-tasking, I put my purse and tote down outside the Men’s Corner to load something up, then drove away. Upon our return 20 minutes later, my wicker purse (with wide black ribbon) and burlap tote (with white polka dots) were gone. Vergennes Police have been notified. My wallet, checkbook, cash, iPhone and other basics are gone; hopefully, not forever. If anybody has any information leading to their findings, please contact me. Offering $200 reward. Thank you.”
• Julie, Vergennes FPF

“Three cheers to Front Porch Forum – Sunday evening, I reported the unfortunate event of my stolen purse and tote bag on Main Street. Monday morning, I began the arduous task of obtaining a new drivers license, replacing my cell phone, and ridding myself of the anger I was harboring. I was particularly sad about the loss of my new purse from Malabar. The Little City with the Big Heart rallied and I extend my thanks to those who provided empathy and support since my last post. And good news – the thieves weren’t interested in my purse! Along with the tote, it was tossed into bushes on a nearby street and found the next day, unharmed. My thanks to FPF and concerned citizens, and the dear young couple who found it and returned it to me. Happy screams, hugs, and great joy followed. The longest day of the year had a very happy ending!
• Julie, Vergennes FPF, next day

The Swedes are coming!

Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 by No comments yet

“My two cousins will need a place to stay in the Waterbury area the weekend of my son’s wedding. Two senior gentlemen.”
• Shari, Waterbury FPF

“They have found lodging at The Olde Stagecoach Inn. Thanks to all for your suggestions. I Just LOVE Front Porch Forum!”
• Shari, Waterbury FPF, next day

Need canoe? Ask Jericho neighbors on FPF

Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 by No comments yet

“I am looking for a used canoe, 16′ fiberglass or poly composite… Looking for something in reasonable shape, doesn’t have to look like new! Thanks!!”
• Bruce, Jericho Front Porch Forum

“Found just the perfect one for my needs ! Great forum for finding things, I got 8 great responses & looked at them all!”
• Bruce, Jericho FPF, next day

Interest level in neighborhood news vs. international news?

Posted on Thursday, June 23, 2016 by No comments yet

How would you rank your interest in news, by proximity?  International vs. national vs. local vs. neighborhood?

The results from a Pew study (below) jibe with what we often hear from Front Porch Forum members.




Cali the missing Maine Coon cat gets the message

Posted on Monday, June 20, 2016 by No comments yet

“My post about our missing Maine Coon cat was published within minutes of submitting it. I received a response from a neighbor not long after. Then a few hours later, she finally showed up at our door. Maybe she heard that people were looking for her! Thank you Front Porch Forum. This is an extraordinarily valuable community service.”
• Sherry, Waterbury FPF