Category Archives: Social Networking

Warren beagle finds Londoner’s gold bracelet

Posted on Monday, August 15, 2016 by No comments yet

“A heartfelt ‘thank you’ to Patty and Dave and their intrepid beagle, Sophie, for finding my sister’s gold bangle bracelet. She not only has her bracelet back, but also has a great Vermont story to bring back to London. Thank you to all who looked and responded. We are so grateful.”
• Sharon (on behalf of her sister, Jacqueline, visiting from London), Mad River Valley Front Porch Forum

Baby snapping turtle rescued at Argyle NY tractor pull

Posted on Monday, July 25, 2016 by No comments yet

“A VERY big thank you to Argyle Front Porch Forum (New York) for posting our plea for turtle help at the tractor pull!!!! The baby snapper is safe, healthy and has been released back in the wild. He was thrilled to be back in his (or her) home area. We have a short video of his release. Thank you so much to those who responded, we will email you in private as well. Thanks. Have a great night.”
• Doreen, Argyle FPF

Karma: Lost bankroll returned to generous owner in South Hero

Posted on Monday, July 25, 2016 by No comments yet

“On Sunday morning some money was dropped on my front lawn. I have a table with Yard Sale Items with a sign that reads FREE OR DONATE TO THE FRANKLIN HUMANE SOCIETY. There was some money left in the donation tub. I would guess that the money I found fell out of your pocket when/if you made a donation. Thank you, by the way. The found money was an amount that I could not afford to lose. If you are this person or know who it may be please call me or stop by. By the way, NO SCAMMERS!. I have no tolerance for thieves and if you cannot satisfy me that you are indeed the person who lost this money I will report your license plate number to the Sheriff’s Dept. Hope to hear from you. If this money is not claimed it will, in fact, be a donation the Franklin Count Humane Society. Thank you.”
• Thom, South Hero FPF

“I posted a found money notice yesterday on FPF. Update: the individual and the money have been happily re-united. The end-all to this situation is that it happened so quickly and that it happened at all only because of Front Porch Forum. Thanks.”
• Thom, South Hero FPF, next day

Isle La Motte perennials donated

Posted on Monday, July 25, 2016 by No comments yet

“Thank for all who donated perennials to make my flower beds look better, I really appreciate the kindness. Thank you also to Front Porch Forum for providing a space for community members to be “community” minded.”
• Anne, Isle La Motte FPF

Heavy lifting needed? Ask Vergennes neighbors

Posted on Monday, July 25, 2016 by No comments yet

“I need two fit persons to move 4-5 pieces of furniture, carefully, back onto our refinished pine floor… a table, sideboard, desk and a couch. No stairs, all are on the same level.”

• Paul, Vergennes FPF

“Our thanks to both Front Porch Forum, which proved its worth once again, and Martin and Scott who rescued us this morning and got all the furniture back in place.”
• Paul, Vergennes FPF, next day

Westford neighbors full of carpenter recommendations

Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by No comments yet

“I wanted to thank everyone who sent carpenter recommendations for building our shed. I was hoping to get a handful of responses, and I received more than 10. I am grateful to live in a community that is so full of knowledge and willing to share.”
• Chris, Westford Front Porch Forum

Neighborly matchmaking in Waterbury

Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by No comments yet

“To Dan – We met this evening at the Village Market – we talked about the Long Trail, your unruly little piglets, and bacon. (You also mentioned that you live near Camels Hump.) Hoping our paths cross again… maybe Front Porch Forum can help.”
• Emily, Waterbury FPF

How do Vermonters find trusted Realtors?

Posted on Sunday, July 10, 2016 by No comments yet

“We are hoping to find a realtor that comes highly recommended and trusted to come to our home for advice on possibly selling it in the future. Wondering what should be done to help sell it and get information on comparable priced homes in the area”.
• Lisa, Hinesburg FPF

“I have never had so many passionate responses – so quickly from Front Porch Forum. Thanks!”
• Lisa, Hinesburg FPF, next day