Category Archives: Social Networking

Hate crime in Craftsbury

Posted on Friday, August 26, 2016 by No comments yet

Posted on the Craftsbury FPF by Sterling College President, Matthew Derr:

The outpouring of support for Sterling and its students, following a number of incidents on campus this summer, that included vandalism and the theft of Black Lives Matters signs, has been appreciated.

Unfortunately, I write to report another serious incident that took place on the evening of Saturday, August 19 near the Common. A Sterling student was accosted with racial and homophobic slurs by passengers in a car who also threw an object at the student before speeding away. This incident was witnessed by a faculty member.

Faculty, staff, and students are supporting this student and Sterling is once again working closely with the Vermont State Police, who have determined that this incident qualifies as a hate crime.

To take a public stand against racism and injustice in our community, Sterling is organizing a solidarity vigil for Wednesday, September 14. Craftsbury residents are invited to join the Sterling community for dinner at 6:00 p.m., with the vigil to follow on Craftsbury Common.

Sterling will also offer a series of educational programs this fall on issues of inclusion, in collaboration with other community organizations. More details will follow on Front Porch Forum.

Duxbury Great Dane and Vizsla home!

Posted on Thursday, August 25, 2016 by No comments yet

“So our Great Dane & Vizsla are found. Thank you all for your help and action They were spotted by a FPF member in N Fayston on Sunday at 9 AM (4.5 miles from our house). We looked for them all day Monday to no avail – thanks to those who I bothered by knocking on their door in earnest. Got a call today from very nice folks who had them walk up and plop on their front lawn 2 miles from where they were sighted Sunday. Both are skeletal looking and the Vizsla needed help from Roy to remove quills (thanks Roy and team – you’re the best!) Back home and soundly sleeping on their couch. Thank you all – we are so relieved and Front Porch Forum is the best – this is where all the info flowed.”
• Patrick, Duxbury FPF

Who to thank in Warren?

Posted on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 by No comments yet

“I’d love to know who spotted the fallen tree on my driveway off Old Farm Lane, removed it and cut it to firewood length. I’ve asked all the likely friends and still don’t know. Thank you whoever you are!”
• Howard, Mad River Valley Front Porch Forum

Need recommendations for local businesses?

Posted on Monday, August 15, 2016 by No comments yet

“A huge thank you to everyone who let me know about Montpelier Auto Clinic! You truly saved the day! These guys are simply AMAZING! They were able to work on my car and even keep within my budget! If you need car repairs these guys are it! Montpelier Auto Clinic @ 802-229-6363.”
• Jen, Montpelier Front Porch Forum

Look for other Vermont businesses in the new online FPF Business Directory.

Mini-fridges save the day in Montpelier

Posted on Monday, August 15, 2016 by No comments yet

“Looking to buy or borrow a used refrigerator or dorm-size fridge for up to 3 weeks while we wait for our new one to arrive. Thanks!!”
• Sharyn, Montpelier FPF

Front Porch Forum is the best! We currently have 3 borrowed dorm fridges up and running until the new one comes. Goodbye coolers! Thank you to all involved!!”
• Sharyn, Montpelier FPF, next day

Vermonters appreciate updates from their elected representatives

Posted on Monday, August 15, 2016 by No comments yet

“I want to express my appreciation to Rep. Robin Chestnut-Tangerman for posting legislative updates on Front Porch Forum, and for his obvious commitment to his work on our behalf. It also seems clear that you (Robin) really enjoy what you are doing and your passion shows. I feel well represented by you, and thank you for keeping us all informed.”
• Paul & Margaret, Tinmouth FPF