Category Archives: social capital

Baby spider plants and meeting neighbors in Morrisville

Posted on Monday, September 8, 2014 by No comments yet

Yvette shared on the Morrisville FPF today…

I posted those baby spider plants on our Front Porch Forum yesterday and today? I got 7 “hits” with folks who were wanting to adopt them.They came and got them and carefully put them into their vehicles (one girl was on a bike) and took them home. Baby plants finding homes via the forum? You should be proud, FPF, for coming up with such a great plan for an online community bulletin board. Great service. Huge fan. Huge.

Dachshund keeping up with the big dogs

Posted on Monday, September 8, 2014 by No comments yet

Jim posted the note below recently on his neighborhood Front Porch Forum

Seeking “Little Red Wagon” or Similar

We’ve tried the thrift shops and not much time to go garage-saling. We’re looking for an inexpensive small child’s wagon. (It’s not for a child…it’s for a middle-aged Dachshund who likes to go for long walks with his young Great Dane brother & Goldendoodle buddy, but can’t make the return trip without going flop-bottom).

Followed today by…

Elvin the Dachshund is FPF’s Newest Fan

You may see him around in his “little red wagon,” kindly donated by a neighborhood family in response to my post. Now he can keep up with the big dogs.

Living without easy connection to neighbors…

Posted on Sunday, August 24, 2014 by No comments yet

Screen Shot 2014-08-24 at 9.02.51 PMPosted by Sarah on the Five Sisters FPF recently…

Just leaving a little love for FPF and the Five Sisters. This is a wonderful neighborhood – thank you for being you. I temporarily relocated to Western Massachusetts for nursing school one year ago. I will be graduating and returning to Burly in December; living without Front Porch Forum in my area has been challenging at best. This is such a gift. <3

Seeking cell coverage solution in Middlesex? Tap the power of neighbors…

Posted on Monday, August 11, 2014 by No comments yet

Mark posted on the Middlesex FPF the other day…

Over the last month, perhaps due to summer foliage, we have almost completely lost our AT&T cell signal on Center Road. I have heard about solutions to this problem… I was wondering if anyone had had cell trouble and had tried any of these approaches. How did it work?

And yesterday he followed up with…

Thanks to all the good neighbors who took the time to respond about our poor phone service! We are going to look into setting up a microcell. The power of Front Porch Forum is really impressive.