Category Archives: social capital

Salisbury Holiday Tree Lighting Trivia Contest

Posted on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 by No comments yet

Ken posted the following on Front Porch Forum in Salisbury, Leicester, Ripton and Goshen yesterday:

1) Which holiday tree is larger– Salisbury’s or the Burlington Church Street tree?

2) How about Salisbury’s or the Vatican’s?

Post your responses to FPF. Whoever gets the most right will win a box of delicious cookies and fame at this year’s event which will start at 5 pm THIS SATURDAY at Memorial Park (hayrides, bonfire, Santa, hot cocoa, lighting the magnificent tree) followed by more events at the Salisbury Library (More time with Santa, storybook dedication and reading, food, and refreshments).


Posted on Friday, November 28, 2014 by No comments yet

I’m grateful for this forum,
As I’m sure you all are too,
So as I count my blessings,
I’m counting you good neighbors too.

Happy Thanksgiving All!

Posted by Peggy on the Jericho Front Porch Forum.

Moving to Ripton… neighbor gratitude

Posted on Monday, November 24, 2014 by No comments yet

“Thanks to a Front Porch Forum member, I quickly found help for my move to the Ripton area. Hurrah!”  Posted by Jean on the FPF that serves Ripton.

Budding farmer seeking stick shift lessons

Posted on Saturday, October 18, 2014 by 1 comment

Posted by Hillary this week on her Winooski Front Porch Forum

Hey friends!

I’m new to the neighborhood — I’ve loved FPF since I joined… I’m hoping you can help me!

I’m a young farmer and am applying for my absolute dream job. I have made it to the 2nd round of interviews and just found out that I must know how to drive manual. And I don’t… yet. Hopefully that’s where you come in!

Would you mind helping me learn how to drive manual? I’m a quick study and understand the way a manual transmission works. I’ve used many tractors and am familiar with shifting and clutches… I’ve just never had the chance to learn!

I’d be happy to rent a manual transmission car if you don’t feel comfortable driving yours. I can offer lunch at Pingala (my favorite place!) or some beers for an hour or so of your time.

Hoping to hear from you! Thanks!!

What’s on your FPF?