Category Archives: social capital

Liz Stephen: US Ski Team

Posted on Sunday, January 25, 2015 by No comments yet

Shared by Daniel with his neighbors on the East Montpelier Front Porch Forum today…

East Montpelier native and FPF member Liz Stephen is skiing right up to the podiums this year. Her latest victory a US record. Not only does she represent the US team well, she also takes the time to visit our schools to inspire and encourage our students. She is sincere, positive and team oriented.

To Liz and her family, congratulations and keep up the excellence. Your home town is proud and supports you.

Roots of Passion… finding happiness thru meaningful work

Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2015 by No comments yet

Check out Live Happy magazine on newsstands everywhere this month (Feb. 2015). “Roots of Passion” focuses on four people who “found happiness in lives filled with purpose and meaning,” including co-founder Bill McKibben and Front Porch Forum co-founder Michael Wood-Lewis…


Be A Good Neighbor ““ The Front Porch Forum Story

Posted on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 by No comments yet

Lang McLaughry Real Estate, a leading real estate company in Vermont, focused on Front Porch Forum recently on their website.  We’ve heard from Realtors across the state that they love to inform their clients about FPF… a “modern welcome wagon.”