Category Archives: social capital

Precious photos lost on old-school floppy disk?

Posted on Monday, March 23, 2015 by No comments yet

Follow-up posting from Steve yesterday on the East Montpelier FPF…

I want to thank all of you who sent me emails with offers of help in regards to getting access to my floppy disk that had some pictures on it that I wanted. I am all set. I have retrieved the pictures thanks to a neighbor that had the correct equipment.

And thanks to the Front Porch Forum for all of the people it reaches out to in the area.

Carpet shampooer is the new cup of sugar in Berlin

Posted on Saturday, March 21, 2015 by No comments yet

Posted to the Berlin FPF by Peg yesterday…

I asked my neighbors for a carpet cleaner and had one an hour later! Thank you Linda!!!!! And thanks to the folks who created Front Porch Forum! It’s a tool our community really needs!

Very old, mostly deaf and blind dog finds self

Posted on Saturday, February 14, 2015 by No comments yet

Posted on the Huntington Front Porch Forum on Wednesday…

Our orange and white Brittany spaniel Emma is still missing. She’s very old, mostly blind and deaf. With the help of several neighbors, we spent yesterday, a chunk of the night, and again this morning searching the Camels Hump ski trails to no avail. Our best hope is that she wandered out onto a road and took refuge in someone’s shed or barn… She’s wearing a green collar that has our phone number on it.

And the happy-ending follow-up on Friday…

Some 20 minutes after yesterday’s Front Porch Forum was published, I stood at the window, as I have done so many times over the last several days, staring into the darkness, picturing in my mind Emma walking across the yard as she used to do. All of a sudden, the motion sensor light clicked on, and there she was! Exactly as I was picturing in my mind!… A mirage? Hallucination from lack of sleep? I yelled, we all yelled, and ran out the door to scoop her up. She was skinny, her paws were iced up, but she looked pretty normal and happy… and determined.

Our neighbor, a vet, stopped by a little later to look her over and she checked out pretty well… cold, a few raw spots on her feet and legs, but Wow.

We want to thank our neighbors, friends and family who helped in the search, although it was Emma who got herself home, several folks put in hours and miles in the woods and roads to help look for her. And thanks to the community for some many hopeful and encouraging words. We were close, but we didn’t give up hope. And more importantly, Emma didn’t give up!


Huskies reunited with owner!

Posted on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 by No comments yet

Posted by Suzi on the Hinesburg Front Porch Forum recently…

Just thought I’d share the good news and thanks to all… The owner of the missin huskies called me this morning from Starksboro (once again FPF saves the day) and it turns out she has 3 Huskies- their gate was accidentally opened on Friday morning and she managed to grab one but the other 2 bolted off. She searched by car for hours with no luck and they managed to travel all the way up through Huntington and into Hinesburg where I found them Friday night… amazing animals! Anyway, thought I’d share the happy ending to the story. 🙂