Category Archives: Local Online

Newport Elks Club uses FPF to bring in a crowd to annual craft sale

Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 by No comments yet

“On behalf of Newport Elks Club#2155. I would like to thank Front Porch Forum for letting us post our annual Craft Sale last Saturday. It was very successful. Thanks again.”
• Reg, Jay Peak FPF

First time we’ve seen this on FPF…

Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2016 by No comments yet

“Hello: I have an old Scrabble set with wooden ties that I like to use. I’ve lost a “C”! It makes playing a little bit unsatisfactory. Does anyone have an incomplete Scrabble with wooden tiles that they’d be able to give me a “C” from???? Thank you.”
• Julia, Old North End Front Porch Forum in Burlington

Kitten Buffy returns from South Burlington wilderness

Posted on Friday, November 11, 2016 by No comments yet

“Buffy, the 4-month-old cat, came home safe last night after a 36 hour adventure… After visiting his old haunts where he lived as an autonomous outdoor cat for his first 3 months, he seems to have decided that being a house cat is not such a bad gig after all… Thanks to Front Porch Forum for getting the word out fast and wide. I have no doubt that many more pets are finding their way home since FPF came into being. That’s why my husband and I are monthly supporting members.”
• Joanne, posting on a neighborhood FPF in South Burlington

Free drink for a Trump supporter

Posted on Friday, November 11, 2016 by No comments yet

I know this election has shaken up a lot of people on both sides of the debate. One thing I see happening more than anything else is an inability for people to communicate and have empathy towards those with different views. It is sad, though luckily for us in Vermont it isn’t nearly as bad as some other places in this country.

I have set a goal for myself to sit down with someone with a differing perspective than my own, share a drink (whatever it may be) and to just listen a bit. I am not out to make a debate. Nor to talk at someone else. But I do want to know about what a Trump supporter sees as the biggest issues in their world, what about Trump inspires them, and what about him may be concerning. I also want that same person to hear someone who is different than them actually giving a shit about their opinion, in an effort to bridge the divide that the media says we all have.

This is an act of reconciliation and hope. I want to see us rise above our political differences. We are all in this together.


• Jake, Morrisville Front Porch Forum

Charlotte grandmother seeking euphonium

Posted on Friday, November 11, 2016 by No comments yet

“I am looking for a four valve euphonium for my granddaughter to use/rent over the thanksgiving holiday. She has a competition just after returning home to North Dakota. She will bring her own mouth piece and needs a smaller mouth. Euphonium if you can’t spell it you can’t play it. I know it is a long shot- but you never know with Front Porch Forum. Thanks.”
• Mary, Charlotte FPF