Category Archives: Knight Foundation

FPF angels bring plumbing and weatherization help to senior Morrisville brother and sister

Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2016 by No comments yet

“I am trying to help out a brother and sister in their 70’s who live together in poverty in Morrisville. Their hot water heater just broke and they have no money to get another one. Does anyone happen to be replacing theirs or have one around that still works? I wanted to try to help them out. Thanks!”
• Lyndall, Stowe FPF, Day 1

“Great news – found a hot water heater… And am getting it installed with the financial help of a couple of anonymous angels from Stowe. My friends are thrilled – even though their pipes are now frozen! Great response to my plea! Thanks everyone who answered my post. That’s the way it is done in Vermont!”
• Lyndall, Stowe FPF, Day 2

“I got more help today from a Front Porch Forum member, and it turns out it was needed. The house needs insulation work before the heater goes in. County Plumbing and Heating went there today, unfroze the pipes, trouble shot the problem areas and brought over an entire bale of insulation! They only charged me about 1/2 price, but were there for 3 hours. So now I have a bigger project than I thought. I am going to also try to work with the state fuel assistance/weatherization program as well. The family already gets fuel assistance, but no one has helped them with the weatherization part, which is key. So, I have FPF angels to thank for the insulation work, the heater, and the installation work to come! Crossing my fingers. And my friends are amazed that their plea has been answered!”
• Lyndall, Stowe FPF, Day 3

Newport Elks Club uses FPF to bring in a crowd to annual craft sale

Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 by No comments yet

“On behalf of Newport Elks Club#2155. I would like to thank Front Porch Forum for letting us post our annual Craft Sale last Saturday. It was very successful. Thanks again.”
• Reg, Jay Peak FPF

Free drink for a Trump supporter

Posted on Friday, November 11, 2016 by No comments yet

I know this election has shaken up a lot of people on both sides of the debate. One thing I see happening more than anything else is an inability for people to communicate and have empathy towards those with different views. It is sad, though luckily for us in Vermont it isn’t nearly as bad as some other places in this country.

I have set a goal for myself to sit down with someone with a differing perspective than my own, share a drink (whatever it may be) and to just listen a bit. I am not out to make a debate. Nor to talk at someone else. But I do want to know about what a Trump supporter sees as the biggest issues in their world, what about Trump inspires them, and what about him may be concerning. I also want that same person to hear someone who is different than them actually giving a shit about their opinion, in an effort to bridge the divide that the media says we all have.

This is an act of reconciliation and hope. I want to see us rise above our political differences. We are all in this together.


• Jake, Morrisville Front Porch Forum