Category Archives: Democracy

Keeping up with the Jones?

Posted on Sunday, February 7, 2010 by No comments yet

How rich are you?  That’s the question that the website Global Rich List asks.  How do you stack up to the neighbors?

Well, if you consider yourself a global citizen, you may be surprised.  Enter your annual income and see for yourself.  Compelling.

I’d love to see a Global Neighbor List that would rate folks based on social capital, rather than just financial capital.

Help give FPF neighbor-connection work big boost

Posted on Monday, February 1, 2010 by 1 comment

Please take a moment to vote for Front Porch Forum‘s proposal to the Knight News Challenge.  The Knight Foundation awards about $5 million each year to promising projects in the local news arena.

FPF’s application made it through the first round of judging and is now among about 200 finalists… exciting!

Click here to vote… then click on the right-most star… and leave a comment at the bottom.