“The United Way of Lamoille County has firewood available for a family in need in Belvidere, Vermont. We unfortunately do not have a truck, and are looking for anyone willing to donate their time and vehicle to deliver some. Please call if you can help. Thank you!”
• Jim, Morrisville Front Porch Forum
“Thank you for the help. We were able to get a cord of firewood out on Saturday morning! Thank you for all the suggestions and new connections for help with delivery in the future. We are truly lucky to have such a generous community!”
• Jim, Morrisville FPF, a few days later
Need volunteers? Ask neighbors on your Front Porch Forum.
“Thanks to all who generously offered to assist me with my small paint job. I’ve now got it covered. I’m astounded at the Front Porch Forum as a network for our communities, but also with the wealth of talent and energy it represents. I feel beyond grateful!”
• Nancy, Randolph FPF
How is your local FPF? Read and post to it today!
“Dear community: Thank you so much for your generosity. Three people immediately responded to my last post about a bike stand, and were so incredibly generous… thank you! Since Front Porch Forum seems to work so well, I am now looking for an apple picker (one of those funny metal baskets on a long extendable pole for reaching the tall apples). If you have one you no longer need, I would be happy to take it off your hands, buy it, or trade you for an apple pie next fall. Thanks so much.”
• Hannah, Marshfield Plainfield FPF
Lost your pet? Need to sell or borrow something? Looking for service provider recommendations or starting your own small business and want to spread the word? Front Porch Forum (FPF) can help with all these things and more.
I recently moved to the NEK from central VT where FPF provided me a long daily listing of local information, neighbors needing or providing resources, free items, school and selectboard updates and more.
FPF is only as good as the people using it. To be a great resource, a healthy percentage of a town or towns’ residents need to join and use it.
We are lucky in Vermont to have this FREE resource available in every community!
In some communities as many as 90% of residents participate, but in Essex and Orleans County the average participation is less than 20%.
Because we are more rural and isolated than other parts of the state, having an active FPF is even more beneficial.
To join your local forum go to frontporchforum.com and sign up. It’s easy and you won’t regret it!
• Rhonda Shippee, Morgan, VT
“Thanks FPF for bringing me two great people this year: Khris and Shawn. I posted for help in my small hospitality business and Khris came into my life. She is someone with a big heart and natural understanding of what is needed. Thank You so Much!!! Secondly I asked if someone had an extra-long ladder, and Shawn, of Advanced Appliances, amazingly lent me his ladder. I was able to finish two difficult painting jobs. Thank You again Shawn!!! And Front Porch Forum. This would not have happened without You!!!!”
• Laurel, Essex Center FPF
“Thank you all that responded to my request for succulents. I got so many generous responses I have more than enough at the moment. We live in a cool town. Good job, Front Porch Forum.”
• Alicia, Charlotte FPF
“Thank you to all who jumped in with suggestions for someone to replace a parka zipper. I Think , with that list of possibilities, I’m all set 🙂 Isn’t FPF the absolute best!!”
• Betsy, Randolph FPF
“Thank you Montpelier: I had so much response to my request for the Alison Bechdel Seven Days issue, from people I knew and people I didn’t. Someone even wrapped and dropped a copy on my porch, a secret donor? Thank you so much for sharing with me, thank you Front Porch Forum. Found: a great community with a great forum.”
• Karen, Montpelier FPF
“We found a wonderful home for our cat, Frank. I feel very good about the young woman who has brought him to her home. Thank you Front Porch Forum!!!!! I love this community.”
• Jill, Calais FPF
“Thank you to everyone who responded to my inquiry about finding someone who could transfer old home movies (over 50 years old!) to DVDs. I found a wonderful gentleman in Plainfield who did a fantastic job and had super reasonable pricing. I am so excited to share the movies that none of my family has been able to view for many many years and one family member who has never seen them. What a gift!! Happy Holidays!”
• Pamela, Middlebury FPF
“Thank you so much to all those you responded to my quest for a MacBook Pro computer savvy helper. Hands down it is Melissa at Orchard Road Computers. She will be hearing from me shortly. FPF is such a great resource and much appreciated.”
• Margery, Charlotte FPF
“Thanks for all the lawnmowers! It looks like everyone had an old lawnmower but me! I really appreciate all your offers. I got what I needed. Thank you so much FPF people!”
• Pat, Middlesex FPF
“I am looking for a four valve euphonium for my granddaughter to use/rent over the thanksgiving holiday. She has a competition just after returning home to North Dakota. She will bring her own mouth piece and needs a smaller mouth. Euphonium if you can’t spell it you can’t play it. I know it is a long shot- but you never know with Front Porch Forum. Thanks.”
• Mary, Charlotte FPF
“I want to send out a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped my son after his house fire in August. I especially want to thank Vicki, Angela, and the anonymous donor who put together large donations of money and household goods he needed to get back on his feet. Without everyone’s help, he would have to live in a camper.
“After the fire, I figured we would be stuck scraping and scrounging to get him a place to live. I was convinced we would have to do it all on our own; that we didn’t count to anyone in town… All these people came together without us even asking and saved us a lot of struggle. You have all restored a big piece of my faith in human nature.
“My son’s trailer is supposed to be set in place today, and with a little luck we will have most of the utilities hooked up by this weekend. Again, thank you all so much for your help.”
• Randy, Albany Irasburg Front Porch Forum
I am so grateful for Front Porch Forum. I can’t even count the number of contacts I’ve made, items I’ve acquired, or help I’ve received from FPF postings. I look forward to each issue.
Right now, my new deck is being built by a person I met through FPF when he volunteered to help me cook at the Friday Food Affair. I don’t know how I would have met this wonderful craftsman otherwise.
Almost every day I learn something I need to know, or something about one of my neighbors. I know if I need help I only need to post and help will arrive.
Whenever Our Community Cares Camp needs supplies, FPF is there.
When my son needed a summer job – FPF came through.
When I needed data on composite decks – FPF connected me with the folks who had the info I needed.
When I need to send my husband a pie or other goodies in Massachusetts – FPF members show up to ferry the care package to help him as he takes care of his elderly father.
The local FPF Community Calendar and new online Business Directory make the service all the more valuable.
I have been a monthly supporter of FPF for a few years now. It is more valuable to me than any other subscription service. I hope you feel the same and will consider a one-time or a monthly gift. If we all give a little, we get a lot back. I feel our community has greatly benefited from this service. Think about how many times you have learned something or gotten something from this service. It deserves our support. Thank you.
• Marie, Richmond FPF
“I’ll be honest — I hadn’t thought of contributing to FPF until yesterday, when 2 of my dogs went missing. How would I get the word out and get others looking for them, if there was no FPF? Keep it going–click on the link and donate!”
• Leslie, Morrisville FPF
“FPF is a valued community resource. As my endorsement, I just mailed a contribution. Think about it.”
• Tommaso, Bennington FPF
“Years ago I put out a clipboard to get people to sign up for Front Porch Forum at town meeting. We hosted a potluck at Ten Stones for the first few FPF members. And now look! It’s amazing what Michael Wood-Lewis and the FPF team has accomplished with their vision of Vermont communities coming together online. So many pets have been found, tradespeople and teenagers employed, apartments rented and political opinions shared. This is so worth continuing and supporting.”
• Edorah, Charlotte FPF
“If you’re reading this, you know the value of FPF. We don’t see any of the people working behind the scenes who make it possible for us to connect locally, but FPF is not an automated system. Real people living in Vermont are working to make sure it runs smoothly. I value them and am happy to send a donation of support.”
• Caro, Walden FPF
“Front Porch Forum revolutionized Vermont communication. We are SO lucky to have this Vermont-based forum to communicate so effectively with our neighbors. It really has revolutionized the way we interact and connect and is a classic Vermont example of how donations in any amount by many individuals make a difference and make it work. I just made my annual donation to keep this forum running.”
• Beth, Montpelier FPF
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more