Author Archives: Michael

Front Porch Forum is Part of “Why We Shouldn’t Give Up on the Internet”

Posted on Friday, February 14, 2025 by No comments yet

New_ Public’s Eli Pariser Delivers a Speech at the Vatican Featuring Front Porch Forum

Eli Pariser is an author, activist, and entrepreneur focused on how to make technology and media serve democracy. He helped lead, co-founded Upworthy, wrote “The Filter Bubble,” and is currently Co-Director of New_ Public. He has highlighted Front Porch Forum in numerous pieces and conversations, shining a light on its ability to lead to healthier communities thanks to its intentional design. 

You can imagine our surprise – and delight – when he delivered a powerful speech to an audience that included Pope Francis at the Vatican’s Jubilee of the World of Communications – and put Front Porch Forum at the heart of his argument for “why we shouldn’t give up on the Internet.” 

Here’s a highlight:

In Vermont, a small state in the northeast of the United States, people use Facebook and TikTok but town conversation mostly doesn’t happen there. They have something more like an actual digital town square — a home-grown social network called Front Porch Forum built specifically for the purpose of allowing towns to have good discussions.

Front Porch Forum has never taken venture capital and isn’t seeking to make a ton of money from advertisers. In fact, it’s a public benefit corporation that is not intended to make more money than is required to sustain itself. It’s always been built not for advertisers but to serve communities in Vermont first. And as a result, it can do conversations differently. 

Because it doesn’t need to worry primarily about advertisers or engagement, instead of optimizing for the most posts possible, FPF optimizes for thoughtfulness — by updating only once a day. It’s a bold statement that says: slow down. Think about what you’re saying. And say something meaningful. And among other things, it makes having a flame war really arduous, because you have to be willing to carry it on for days at a time. 

One of the things that FPF shows us is that these aren’t places we need to spend a lot of time for them to change us and foster stronger communities.

In our offline lives, places of worship are a great example of this: Even among the faithful, there are few that spend a large proportion of our time literally inside a church or synagogue or mosque or temple. But the parts of us that are nourished by these spaces remain fortified when we leave. 

The same is true of the digital public spaces — we don’t need to vanquish Meta or TikTok entirely to make digital space building worth doing. People use Instagram in Vermont too… but FPF adds to their lives. 

Front Porch Forum also puts its money where its mouth is when it comes to stewardship — in fact, while only a tiny fraction of people at TikTok or Meta work as moderators, at the 40-person organization of Front Porch Forum, half of the employees are paid moderators. 

With this ratio of stewards to content, every single message can be read before it reaches everyone else to make sure it conforms to the very clear and thoughtful set of norms that have been co-developed over 20 years with community members. And when messages don’t — which happens sometimes — they don’t just disappear. Instead, you get a friendly note from one of the stewards asking you to phrase things differently. 

And so, conversation goes better. People know their neighbors better. Communities are healthier. We conducted survey research on Front Porch Forum’s impact and found that not only did people across the political spectrum and across demographics like it much more than Facebook or Nextdoor, they also got more involved in the life of their town and were more committed neighbors as a result.

Of course, Front Porch Forum only exists in one small state in the United States. In most places around the country and the globe, these local conversations happen in forums like Facebook Groups and Nextdoor that are much less well designed for this purpose. But at New_ Public, the nonprofit R&D lab I run, we think Front Porch Forum is on to something big. 

Read all about the experience in this New_ Public blog post.

Read the speech in its entirety here.

Watch and listen to Eli’s address (the bit about Front Porch Forum can be found at the 32-minute mark)

Thanks for Filling Our Woodshed!

Posted on Monday, December 16, 2024 by No comments yet

Thanks to thousands of Front Porch Forum members… We made it!  So many folks generously chipped in to reach FPF’s year-end Supporting Member Campaign goal.  These dollars will help fund our operations in the year ahead.

If you haven’t yet had a chance, we gratefully accept donations even after the campaign is done.  Please give today!

FPF is a Vermont Public Benefit Corporation and not a nonprofit. Contributions are not tax deductible.

Help FPF Raise $200,000 by December 12, 2024

Posted on Sunday, December 8, 2024 by No comments yet

Is FPF useful to you?  To your community?  According to a recent survey, more than 90% of Front Porch Forum members say YES!  That’s why so many people sign up, read, and post every day.

If you’re among them, please help us continue to provide our essential civic service to every town in the state.

We need to raise $200,000 statewide from our members by this Thursday, December 12, 2024, to meet our year-end goal.  Please donate today.

We’re eager to keep FPF going strong.  We need your support to get there.  Please give today and help us fill the woodshed!

Thanks from FPF’s 30 employees.

FPF is a Vermont Public Benefit Corporation and not a nonprofit. Contributions are not tax deductible. Ad sales to local businesses cover most of our expenses, and your contribution helps close the gap. While we prefer online donations by credit card or PayPal, we gratefully accept payment by check too.

Keep Your Local Forum Vibrant — Donate Today!

Posted on Monday, December 2, 2024 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum’s annual year-end Supporting Member Campaign starts today! If you are able, please donate to FPF now by credit card, PayPal or check:

FPF helps neighbors stay informed and connected locally.  We highlight stories of connection and gratitude every week in the “Best of FPF” series.  Need inspiration?  Take a look below!

And FPF is serving more people than ever: Among Vermont’s 270,000 households, FPF has 240,000 active members! If you value FPF, please support our work by participating and by donating today.

Thank you.

FPF is a Vermont Public Benefit Corporation and not a nonprofit. Contributions are not tax deductible. Ads purchased by local businesses cover most of our expenses, and your Supporting Member contribution helps close the gap.

Our Commitment to Vermont

Posted on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 by No comments yet

November 2024

As we reflect on this year and turn to the holiday season, I am writing to members to offer my thanks for your participation on Front Porch Forum.  With so much vying for your attention, we are grateful that you make time to tune into your community via FPF.

With isolation and loneliness at epidemic proportions, we remain deeply committed to FPF’s mission of helping neighbors connect and build community.  As a Vermont public benefit corporation, this mission is baked right into our legal charter.  And as a family-owned small business, we’re proud to employ 30 Vermonters from across the state.

In these divisive times, please note that FPF is nonpartisan.  We make all of our moderation decisions based on our common sense Terms of Use.

In addition, Front Porch Forum is not publicly funded.  FPF is supported by local advertisers and individual donors, and we will maintain this essential civic service regardless of state or federal government budgets.

FPF currently has 240,000 active members out of the 270,000 households that exist in Vermont, and hundreds more join each week across every town in the state.

Thank you for your participation and everything you do to make this work possible. 

Michael Wood-Lewis, co-founder
Front Porch Forum

Washington Post features Front Porch Forum Impact in Vermont

Posted on Monday, August 12, 2024 by No comments yet

Check out the new article in the Washington Post: “The friendliest social network you’ve never heard of.”

The coverage stems from a member survey (thanks to the over 13,000 who participated last year!) and report produced by New_ Public, a nonprofit research and development lab that aims to create healthy digital public spaces for people to connect and thrive. Will Oremus, a reporter at the Washington Post, was intrigued by their report and newsletter about Front Porch Forum. I had the chance to talk with him at length about the history and purpose behind FPF. And, we offered him temporary access to a few Forums and put him in touch with several members. 

Oremus notes, “New research from the nonprofit New_ Public finds Front Porch Forum is one of the few online spaces in America that leaves its users feeling more informed, more civically engaged and more connected to their neighbors, rather than less so. What’s more, its users seem to genuinely like it.” 

Here are some of the key highlights of the membership survey:

  • 97% of members find FPF valuable for their community
  • 93% of members find FPF useful personally and for their family
  • 80% of members feel that people treat each other humanely on FPF 
  • 85% of FPF members frequently turn to their Forums for local news 
  • 80% of FPF members indicate they are more informed about local issues thanks to FPF
  • 78% of members see FPF as a reliable source of information

The credit for these accolades deserve to be attributed to those who are sharing information. It’s FPF members who are engaged. It is the meetings, chicken eggs, library activities, baby strollers, and electric knife sharpeners of Vermonters that are at the heart and soul of this platform. For that, Valerie and I, and the whole team at FPF, are grateful.

A Bright Spot Amid Storms

Posted on Thursday, July 18, 2024 by No comments yet

Last week brought torrential rain and fast waters to areas of Vermont that were, ironically, marking the one-year anniversary of devastating floods in July 2023. With the muscle memory of the year prior, municipalities, businesses, and neighbors jumped into action to deliver emergency and repair services as well as resources for the long process of rebuilding. Like last year, Front Porch Forum shifted into response mode and published critical messages as soon as they were submitted.

Here are just some of the many postings from around the state. We share them here as a beautiful reminder of how Vermonters value community and step up for each other in times of crisis.

Giving Thanks
Carol, Moretown

We had a tree come down and block our small brook, which became a raging river due to the storm. It blocked the stream sending it over its bank and into our driveway. Took the driveway and half of our town road. While the road was still passable, we could not leave our home due to a 6-ft-deep hole that once was our driveway.

My can’t-sit-still husband decided he would build a bridge! A neighbor came and brought materials that would help in his endeavor. I can only imagine that after doing so… there may have been second thoughts. Whether out of fear of safety, or just a good belly laugh, the story of bridge building soon spread. Very soon after we were told that the town would be coming to assist.

Martin and his crew came delivering stone to create an out. We are free once again! Still need to repair a major hole, but building a bridge is no longer needed… much to the disappointment of my husband.

A very sincere Thank You to Martin, his crew and to James – not only for their concern, access to the road, which is so very much appreciated, but also for the good laughs that we had imagining the conversation that took place of The Great Bridge Build on Murphy Road!

Town Reports, Road Crew
Barbara, Stowe

I am joining the chorus of gracias, mercis, thank yous, dankas, and more [spelling doesn’t count] The town emergency reports have been extremely helpful, The road crews amazing. Thursday I drove Edson Hill from West Branch and several driveway’s worth of gravel covered Rt 108 and in the time I had breakfast the town crew had cleared the gravel and the only signs were wet spots on the pavement. Our road crews, public and private are amazing. When we are going on “drive abouts” let’s give them a flash of our high beams to say thanks. Let’s remember to dim them after. 

Who Needs Help Recovering from Recent Floods?
Arica, Winooski

It seems Winooski came through the recent rains ok, but many of our surrounding communities did not. Does anyone know of folks hit by the flooding who need help this weekend? I checked the state websites, but they are only listing volunteer opportunities for LAST year’s flood. I guess it’s too soon to have the volunteer opportunities posted for Wednesday’s storm. If you know of someone who needs help this weekend, please let me know. Looking for ways to help.

Eric, Waterbury

BIG shoutout to KORE power and the MANY others who offered help on Randall Street and I’m sure all around town to help after the flooding!

I went to get a friend and a small temporary electric hot water heater while my dad and a friend pumped five feet of water out of their basement. By the time we got back to muck out the remaining mud a dozen employees from KORE had already hauled it all out (400 bucket loads worth!)

We were lucky and it was just our basement but I saw people driving and biking around offering help to total strangers and it was great to see! Others offered food and drinks, etc. Flooding sucks but since Irene it’s been quite remarkable the response from the people and businesses in the community to help lighten the load.

From my sister’s HUHS soccer team, higher-ups from Ben and Jerry’s, the Alchemist (remember the brew pub?) delivering “new” beers WAY back in the day, a next generation of Harwood athletes, to now KORE and MANY others, the dingy old basements in Waterbury have welcomed quite the crowd.

As things change in town, as is apt to happen over a number of years, it’s pretty cool how nothing has changed in the gracious and sympathetic nature of the community to help friends, neighbors, and strangers! 

Re: Kudos Again!
Jane, Stowe

We had a complete washout of the dirt road leading up to our home and several others above Topnotch. By 6am, when my husband called Percy for help, as they usually service our road year round, they had already received 40 calls!!

Despite that, they were here to restore one lane access this afternoon, and will return tomorrow.

Outstanding service to our whole community, and they must be exhausted after all their efforts in the whole Stowe Hollow complex. 

Help During July 10 Flooding
Jennifer, Waitsfield

I want to thank all the brave men and women who came to the rescue last night of my mother and I after Shepard Brook turned nasty. The patrol from Chester, aided by our amazing local teams, successfully got us to higher ground in a Zeppelin. A special shout-out to Mr Irish for waiting in the fire truck with us while our overnight accommodations ride arrived. Amazing people doing amazing deeds! 

Huntington Neighbors Are the Best
Liza, Huntington

I just wanted to take a moment to publicly thank Troy and Lisa Liberty. They went way above and beyond last night during the flooding to help me in a time of need. Very, very grateful for this town and the people that live in it and all that we do to support each other. 

Thank You West Bolton for the Love
Jenn, West Bolton

Brandon and I would like to graciously thank this amazing community for the love and support we have received since Thursday. As many know, our house (the little red house on the corner) was hit hard on either side from the rivers. It has been one of the worst and scariest times of our lives. The way this community stepped up was unreal. People came running with shovels, tractors, and wheelbarrows asking what they could do. We organized a clean up day and nearly 50 neighbors showed up to help York Road, many of which I met for the first time that day.

Thank you Connor for getting us up, thank you Jeff for picking us up, thank you Susan for housing me while I cried, thank you Chris for digging out our neighbors, thank you Dickie for giving us a driveway, thank you Eric + team for giving us the road, thank you Zack for the dump run, thank you to the 50 friends who showed up to spend a day working in our yard, and thank you to everyone who has stopped to give a hug and condolences. This support is unreal!

Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Fred, Marshfield

In response to the flooding that has devastated much of our central Vermont communities, Twin Valley Senior Center is here to help. TVSC is offering assistance to flood victims and volunteers. TVSC has a large space that you can use for potential community meetings or individual meetings with state and federal agencies. We will also provide free lunch to anyone affected and volunteers.

Twin Valley Senior Center cares about our communities and is ready to do our part to help. 

Thank You, Peacham!
Jenny, Peacham

We are so grateful to dear friends and neighbors in Peacham, Barnet, and St. J who came today — 60 people — to help us save precious things from our home before the flood mold sets in. People mucked out, saved our children’s toys, pet meds, our winter clothes, our snow tires, etc.; double-checked on safety in the home and helped us make decisions; drove endless shuttles to a new home for now in Peacham; made food and fed volunteers; power washed muck off furniture; sorted out possessions to dry; lovingly salvaged and dried single photos and kids’ artwork; took clothes and quilts to wash and dry; built stone steps for a safe passage to the house; rescued items from our barn down the river; documented the full disaster for insurance; gave hugs. Many, many other people gave offers of housing, car loans, furniture, and child help. This is truly the best community in the world. It has been such a hard day, but also one filled with love and kindness, and we are so grateful.

Displaced Chickens
Monica, Plainfield

If anyone needs a foster/rehome for any displaced chickens let us know. Jeremy and I took in three hens from last year’s Barre floods and we have room in our coop to host some homeless birds who may need safe shelter.

Unfortunately we can’t take a rooster as our beloved boy would be aggrieved by another fellow to compete for his ladies.

P.S.  Thanks to FPF for their rapid-fire distribution of postings during this chaotic time — information flow is critical in disaster recovery; thank you for this contribution to our community!

Looking for Fayston Neighbors Who Need a Hand
Aaron Lamb, Fayston

My property damage was minor, but for many Fayston town residents they suffered substantial property damage and loss. Because of that, I’m looking to get a crew of folks interested in donating their time to help those locally.

If you don’t like physical labor, but still want to help? We could use donated water for those with well water too dangerous to drink, or donuts to fuel the recovery efforts of the manual laborers… whatever you can offer. I know of some families without power or those emotionally/physically drained that could use a meal.

Tomorrow I am kicking-off a volunteer program of helping your Fayston neighbor.  No major equipment needed for this job, just sturdy hands and a rake/shovel. We are hoping to clear the sand, rocks and various debris from the property. Nothing crazy, but good manual fun, sweat and a workout with your neighbors. Let’s get to know each other.

Once this house is done, we can move onto help another neighbor. If you are in need of this volunteer assistance, please reach out to me and I will put you on the list. Unfortunately, our skills are limited as we are not contractors, but for some slightly bigger jobs, we are looking for those willing to donate tractor/equipment time. Let’s rebuild Fayston! 

Snipe Ireland Neighbors!
Olive, Richmond

Howdy Snipe Ireland folks (or surrounding roads)!

Fortunately we are not cut off by the road closure, so if anyone needs groceries or supplies, I am happy to get them to you!

We can also leave supplies by our mailbox if anyone who wants to bike/walk up needs them. Just let me know what I can grab at the store.

Hope everyone is doing ok!

Help FPF Raise $175,000 by May 22, 2024

Posted on Sunday, May 19, 2024 by No comments yet

Is FPF useful to you? To your community? According to a recent survey, more than 90% of Front Porch Forum members say YES! That’s why so many people sign up, read, and post every day.

If you’re among them, please help us continue to provide our essential civic service to every town in the state.

We need to raise $175,000 statewide from our members by this Wednesday, May 22, 2024, to meet our spring goal. Please donate today.

We’re eager to keep FPF going strong. We need your help to get there. Please give today and help us fill the leaf bag!

Thanks from FPF’s 30 employees.

FPF is a Vermont Public Benefit Corporation and not a nonprofit. Contributions are not tax deductible. Ad sales to local businesses cover most of our expenses, and your contribution helps close the gap. While we prefer online donations by credit card or PayPal, we gratefully accept payment by check too.

Random Neighbor and Home Movie of Mom’s Sweet 16

Posted on Monday, March 4, 2024 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum is full of wonderful stories of neighbors helping neighbors, sometimes in surprising ways. Here’s a note of appreciation from FPF member Sheryl to her Montpelier Forum last week…

A kind, patient someone who saw my FPF posting walked me through converting DVDs of old home movies on my PC. It took some doing, but the videos are now successfully on YouTube, and I can share them with my family! Never could I have imagined a connection between a Montpelier community member and my mom’s 16th birthday party. Wondrous!