Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Best of FPF: “Little Free Garden Produce Shelf”

Posted on Friday, August 9, 2024 by No comments yet

As folks take stock of their gardens this August, Susan shared a great idea in the Craftsbury Forum for how to share extras and fill in garden gaps with the help of neighbors. We thought it was well worth a share:
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“Wow, my summer squash is producing like crazy! But, my cucumber plants died so I have no cucumbers. Do you have similar imbalances in your garden produce? We pulled out the little free library from the early Covid days, and have turned it into a Garden Produce Sharing Shelf. Drop off your extra green beans, chard, tomatoes, cucumbers (please, cucumbers!), or what have you, and pick up some of my summer squash and whatever else your neighbors have dropped off that your garden is lacking. It is a fun way to share our gardening extras (and make up for our garden fails).”

Posted in: Front Porch Forum

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