Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Whatever the Weather, Middlesex Weathers Together!

Posted on Monday, January 9, 2023 by No comments yet

Two days before Christmas, Vermont braced itself for a Nor’easter. The storm brought snow, ice, rain, and strong winds taking out power in many parts of the state. In Middlesex the Town Clerk turned to Front Porch Forum to share daily emergency info and updates. 

Later, members wrote in applauding their Town Clerk and all the utility workers that got them through the storm. We’re impressed by all of them, too! Here are some highlights…

  • Appreciation for the Town Clerk: “Many thanks, Sarah! Aren’t we Middlesexers (?) Middlesexites (?) fortunate to have a Town Clerk who is always watching out for us? The link she just sent provides a wealth of information to help us understand what we’re facing with the coming storm. It’s scary, but Sarah has made sure we’re prepared. Brava!” •Jeri

  • Appreciation for utility workers:Sending a HUGE shout out to the Washington Electric Coop crews who worked through a horrible stretch of weather to get power back to 5,000+ customers in our region.  It’s easy to take the luxury of our electricity for granted… until you lose it for nearly 2 days. For those without any back-up heat, this must have been brutal. Thank you, thank you WEC and Merry Christmas to all!” •Linda

  • Appreciation for neighbors: “Thank you to our wonderful neighbors. I received several offers of help to get through the time until we have electric again. We were able to secure quite a number of gallons of water today so we could do dishes and flush the toilet probably for the next couple of days and hopefully by then we will have electricity. Once again, we are very grateful for all of the offers of help we received” •Carol

  • Appreciation for FPF: “Thanks for being there for our community.  It sure has been a lifesaver for some during the power outages in Middlesex.” •Another FPF member

We are always impressed to see how neighbors come together to navigate difficult situations. Storms like these are what FPF and Vermont community is for!

Posted in: Community Building, Crisis Response, Front Porch Forum, Gratitude, social capital, Stories, Vermont

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