Front Porch Forum helps neighbors find the help they need, sometimes with only seconds to spare!
“FPF is amazing. Friday morning my computer power cord stopped working and one of the last things I managed to do online before my computer battery ran completely down was post to FPF looking for one. Within hours I had several responses, and by the end of the day I had a new-to-me power cord. Thank you so much!”
• Dvora in Worcester
“I sent out a post today asking for helping moving a couch up to my apartment. I received an overwhelming number of responses with offers. While I can’t respond to each of you, I want to say thank you! It’s comforting to know I moved to such a great community.” • Molly in Montpelier
“I can’t believe how many kind people responded to my question about the dryer not spinning. Thank you all very much! I am grateful for this helpful community. :-)” • Katie in Burlington
“We’re starting some babysitting for a grandchild, and are looking for all sorts of handy items….Through the wonders of FPF and the kindness of neighbors and strangers, we have already found a high chair, carseat and a fantastic orange stroller. Thank you FPF and neighbors!” • Loring & Michael in Calais
Posted in: Gratitude, How To Use FPF, Neighborhood
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more