Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

The Posting Flurry is over. It is no s’more.

Posted on Friday, January 10, 2020 by No comments yet

We received over a thousand “marshmallow” posts from Front Porch Forum members for our January Posting Flurry.  Thanks to those who entered, and to all who enjoyed this bit of fun. Entries received before 1 pm on January 10 were entered in the “Flurry”. Please DO keep posting to your local FPF as the spirit moves but the contest is done at this point.

This year’s winning entry from our random drawing is

“Anyone have a working telescope that’s just collecting dust? I’m not gazing at the stars, but would like to see the beautiful surrounding mountains better. I have tripods, just need the telescope. Willing to pay reasonable price or make payment in marshmallows.”   • Jeff in Waitsfield

Congratulations Jeff! In addition to his clever post, we received some other noteworthy posts shared here:

“What did the Hershey’s bar, the marshmallow, and the graham cracker use to communicate? S’mores Code.”  • Walter in Johnson

“See the pretty moon tonight? Enveloped in the clouds it looks like a marshmallow creation! Lovely.”
• Sandy in Burlington

Seeking Places to Marshmallow
As I sit here sipping my hot cocoa drink
Marshmallows melting as I sit here and think
We just moved back to VT from North Carolina
Told my kids, theres no better place or snow that’s finer
But now I think I’m regretting this remark
The cold has been makin’ my mood dark
So if anyone knows some warm things to do
For keeping my kids from also getting blue
Drop it here that’s what FPF is for
I’m looking forward to exploring town some more.
    • Jasmine in Barre

“Did you hear about the marshmallow man who drowned in a vat of rice crispies? He is no s’more.” • JD in Barre

“Fascinated to see an ermine in the corner of our yard- like a marshmallow whipping by in the wind, it was swift!  I’m curious to know if they are more common in this region than I think?”   • Christine in Georgia

Lost Marshmallow
Last seen heading heading north on Rt 110.
Answers to Sugar.
Maybe wearing chocolate and carrying graham crackers.
If found eat immediately     • Phillip in Chelsea

Posted in: Front Porch Forum, Raffle

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