by: Sarah Lazarovic, Yes! Magazine
Front Porch Forum has long suspected that even small interactions among neighbors have bigger implications for the strength and resiliency of communities. Next time you need a cup of sugar, don’t be afraid to check with a neighbor!
“Research shows that small talk and casual connections create happy communities and less-lonely individuals. This illustration outlines some specifics in a fun-to-read way: https://bit.ly/2UhBQoK
This type of strength is also central to community resilience in the face of big challenges (like climate change). I’m a member of Sustainable Williston, a group that cares about both. If you want to join us sometime, our usual meeting schedule is the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:15 in the library.
Thanks to FPF for connecting us digitally. Here’s to connecting in real life as well!” • Caylin M., Williston, Vt.
See the full, wonderful infographic from Sarah Lazarovic at Yes! Magazine that Caylin shared with her neighbors on FPF here.