Reasons why our Front Porch Forum members LOVErmont!
“Thank you to all the strangers who took time out of your day to try to help our dog to safety on 89 South. To the person that hit him. I’m so sorry this happened and thank you for circling all the way back to check on him. To the person who stopped and stayed with him and then transported him to Waterbury Veterinary Hospital, a million times thank you. Thank you to the State Police officer who gave him an official escort. To the woman at WVH who held our hands and said all the right things…thank you. To WVH for making our beloved pet presentable for us to say our final goodbyes…thank you. We will miss you so much Clifford. RIP and play with your sister Bella. This is why we moved to Vermont. Because people here are good and care.“
• Weeze in Waterbury
Have someone to thank in your town? Share it on FPF.