Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Tires slashed, windows shot out across Burlington’s South End

Posted on Saturday, March 4, 2017 by No comments yet

Postings like those below (this set is from March 1) have become common on Front Porch Forum across Burlington’s South End…

“The two street-side tires were slashed on a pickup truck parked in front of our house on lower Lyman, we think sometime between last night (Wed 3/1) and this morning. We didn’t notice any activity or hear anything unusual. My husband called the police and an officer stopped by to say the usual – that this type of thing has been happening all over the city and they are trying to track down the perpetrator(s). The officer also said that he had already responded to another incident up the street.”
• Laura, The Addition FPF in Burlington’s South End

“Hey folks – I woke up yesterday morning to find 3 of 4 windows smashed (both street-side, one sidewalk side) on my car parked on upper Ferguson. Nothing taken that I am aware of, however, there was a strange addition of white rice in the front seats. The responding officer was also perplexed by the rice, but did indicate, as we know, that this type of vandalism has been occurring all over Burlington for a while now. Yesterday evening I did locate two BBs inside my vehicle. Wanted to post to let folks know that this vandalism is still occurring.”
• Kristi,The Addition FPF in Burlington’s South End

“Be aware – tires slashed on upper Spruce St. night of 3/1-3/2. Car parked on street.”
• Priscilla, South Union FPF in Burlington’s South End

“My tire was also slashed, Priscilla… I’m on South Union, a couple houses from Spruce. Sad to hear someone else went through this!”
• Kevin, South Union FPF in Burlington’s South End

Same thing happened on my street in the Five Sisters neighborhood a few weeks ago.  If you have any information about these incidents, please notify the Burlington Police and post on your local FPF so neighbors can be aware.

Posted in: Burlington, Front Porch Forum, Local Online, Local Search, Neighborhood, Neighborhood Watch, social capital, Social Networking, Stories, Vermont

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