Posted on Monday, July 25, 2016 by
Michael •
“On Sunday morning some money was dropped on my front lawn. I have a table with Yard Sale Items with a sign that reads FREE OR DONATE TO THE FRANKLIN HUMANE SOCIETY. There was some money left in the donation tub. I would guess that the money I found fell out of your pocket when/if you made a donation. Thank you, by the way. The found money was an amount that I could not afford to lose. If you are this person or know who it may be please call me or stop by. By the way, NO SCAMMERS!. I have no tolerance for thieves and if you cannot satisfy me that you are indeed the person who lost this money I will report your license plate number to the Sheriff’s Dept. Hope to hear from you. If this money is not claimed it will, in fact, be a donation the Franklin Count Humane Society. Thank you.”
• Thom, South Hero FPF
“I posted a found money notice yesterday on FPF. Update: the individual and the money have been happily re-united. The end-all to this situation is that it happened so quickly and that it happened at all only because of Front Porch Forum. Thanks.”
• Thom, South Hero FPF, next day