“She covered a lot of ground in Essex and Essex Junction over those days. From Upland Drive to Essex Way to Pinewood Manor to Perkins Bend (several times) to ADL to Five Corners to the dam bridge to Route 15 near Lang Farm to Essex Way (again) to Grove Street and the railroad tracks and finally back to Upland Drive – no doubt she saw parts of this town most of us never will.
“After catching Darby on a trailcam back on Upland, we decided the time was right to set the trap and see what happened. We knew she might not go in it the first night since she had eaten a fairly big meal of McDonald’s hamburgers the night before. With fingers crossed, we watched and waited. She looped by it several times around sunset, checking it out, not sure. She wanted the food. She gobbled up the few small pieces outside the trap. And left. Once darkness fell, she was back. She checked it out again several times, looked around and then went in. She managed to NOT step on the trigger plate, gobbled a few bites and walked out of the trap!! Luckily she wanted more bread spread with bacon fat and scrambled eggs cooked with liquid smoke so back in she went. This time she stepped a little closer, reached a little further and the trap slammed shut. She spun around from the noise but eventually realized she wasn’t getting out so she finished eating and laid down. The end of her 17 day shenanigans.
“Darby is a little thin and had a bunch of ticks removed but otherwise in good health. No injuries – not even a scratch – and ready to eat some real food and get back to her family life.
“We have so many people to thank!
“Everyone who watched for her, called in a sighting, read a sign or a post here or on Front Porch Forum, all the “shares” and emails… Thank you all! Every little bit helped and kept us motivated. Thank you to all at Perkins Bend where several of us tromped in and out of your backyards several times a day (and night) to check the feeding station there. Thank you for listening to everyone we spoke to and for those of you that approached us letting us know you were watching. Thank you to the Essex Police who fielded calls when Darby was zipping in and out of traffic in the junction. Thank you to all the anonymous people who drove around looking for Darby. Thank you to Sally and Wole, Kristi, Lisa and Lorei – could not have managed her safe recapture without each of you and your help and support. (Thanks also to Bill and my mother for listening to me drone on endlessly…)
“I will removing the signs around town over the next day or so…
“Darby is enjoying her new bed and some well deserved rest. Happy life Darby!”
• Michele, Essex FPF