This is what it means to be part of a village.
Last summer, one very hot day, I was riding my horse down Dugway Road trying to stay in the shady spots. We came across a lovely young girl and her mother picking berries in their yard. The child was, of course, excited about picking fresh berries and having a horse come up to say hello. She offered me some of the refreshing berries they just slaved after amongst the thorns. That kind gesture stayed with me a long while.
This year, during a nasty, icy, rainy day, I promised to drop off some no-longer-used ski equipment to an FPF woman who posted a need. As I pulled into the driveway on Dugway Road, I realized this was the very house that shared their berries with me, and while I was trudging through the icy, slushy driveway that memory came back to me and warmed me up all over again. I’m still smiling from that and so happy I was able to return the kindness.
You never know what small gesture will start a butterfly effect and spread throughout the neighborhood-town-country-world. Thanks to FPF for doing it ONCE AGAIN!
• Jacci, Jericho Front Porch Forum