If Front Porch Forum is useful to you, please take a minute to contribute today. Every October we ask folks to become Supporting Members and today we kick off our 2015 campaign.
Contribute here (credit card or check)
More than 100,000 Vermont households participate on their local FPFs. As you’ve seen, lost pets are found, break-ins are reported to neighbors, electricians are recommended, block parties are organized and so much more. And each exchange among neighbors carries the promise of building community.
If you agree that FPF is something special, then please help keep it strong. We are a Vermont business, hosting FPF in each of the state’s 251 towns. Our staff of 12 work seven days a week to deliver our service. Most of our operating expenses are covered through ad sales to Vermont businesses. Your Supporting Member contributions help cover the rest.
Contributions are voluntary. Any amount you can give brings us closer to our 2015 goal, and makes FPF vibrant in your community. If you value FPF, become a supporting member now and help us reach our $100,000 goal: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
Pay online, or mail a check to:
Front Porch Forum
PO Box 64781
Burlington, VT 05406-4781
Many thanks from the FPF team!
Michael, Nina, Linda, Lynn, Gisele, Suzie, Jonna, Carolyn, Natanya, Wendy, Jodi and Jan
Front Porch Forum
P.S. FPF is not a charity and contributions are not tax deductible.
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more