Posted on Monday, March 23, 2015 by
Michael •
Steve posted on the Waterbury Front Porch Forum last weeks…
Hello neighbors – Sometime in the past 2 days someone stole 20 sap buckets, covers, and spouts that were out on maple trees on our property along Maple St. Disappointing by any account but when you factor in that this is a family sugaring operation, with all of the tapping done by our 3 year old, 7 year old, along with neighborhood children and friends – all of whom are looking forward to the first boil of the season, it really sours what is otherwise a sweet experience. I’ll also mention that we are planning on hosting 160 Thatcher Brook Primary School students for a sugaring field trip in a couple of weeks.
If by chance you know who may have committed this act, or perhaps the guilty party is reading this themselves, please return what you have taken. Leave them by the road (the same spot where you left 4 buckets by accident is fine) – no questions asked. Let’s support this great Vermont tradition of sugaring, not turn it into sour grapes.
Followed today by…
We would like to thank everyone in the community for all the support shown since posting about stolen sap buckets last week. Although the stolen ones haven’t shown up we’ve been able to recoup our loss through the generosity of the community we live in. Thank you Jen, Tim, Christl, and Michael for your donations!! Let sugaring season go on!
Posted in: Civic Engagement, Community Building, Front Porch Forum, Knight Foundation, Local Online, MacArthur Fellows, Neighborhood, Neighborhood Watch, social capital, Social Networking, Stories, Vermont