Posted on Saturday, December 20, 2014 by
Michael •
Bear the dog… a story with a happy ending on the Randolph-area Front Porch Forum. First, the call went out from Rachel on Thursday…
Family labradoodle lost at about 5:00pm Wednesday night, large and cream colored, very friendly but may bark or be shy to approach. He left wearing a collar with tags and a black leash, but I’m hoping that they would have slipped off if he caught on something.
Both dogs ran off while I was closing up the chicken coop and were out of sight when I turned back. They have done this before, but they usually come back within the hour. This time one of them did, but Bear is still out there! We’ve been tracking him through our woods all night but with no luck.
Please let us know if you’ve seen him!
Followed by good news the next day from Mary…
Without Front Porch Forum a dog and its family would have been very upset. While Samantha was walking down the hill from Brookfield Elementary School she heard an unusual dog in the neighborhood barking. She wanted to find out if the dog needed help. She tramped through the deep snow to locate the dog and helped to return it to the dog’s owners. The dog was trapped by its leash under the ice and snow in a field away from houses.
Bear, the dog, and the rest of us want to thank Samantha for rescuing Bear.
And gratitude from Bear’s family…
Bear was found and returned to us safely Thursday evening!
We can’t thank you all enough for your thoughts and notes, and we are especially grateful to Samantha and Mary who brought him home. We are so lucky to live in such a wonderful community. Thank you!